Is he right about she-hulk?

Is he right about she-hulk?

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tldw please

no, turning her into the first female president to save the show is silly and won't save it

yes, VFX artsits get crunched to fuck and back by the retarded low-experience directors Disney keeps hiring who think VFX is like storyboarding where you can say "ok but now make her less muscly" a few days before release

CGI has no soul or passion put into it because it isn't unionized and the workers aren't happy.


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Yeah she Hulk just looks so bad, they would have been far better off making her via practical effects rather than cgi

It's amazing how bad the VFX is at certain points in the show. Like the one scene where her assistant is waiting in the office and She Hulk walks in, her stride is so mechanical/off that it is jarring. Like watching a PS1 game in terms of movement or when a Bethesda game gets glitchy.

>Literally who
I didn't know you could promote your own channel on Any Forums

>Capitalists brutalize labor force to make liberal TV show.

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>liberal and socialist are the same thing

Nobody hates the working class like the American left.
T. Lefty

you may be confusing liberal with libertarian or neoliberal

marvel cgi looks like shit because vfx artists aren't unionized, unlike the rest of the industry, and the suits take advantage of that

where's the problem
are you conflating liberals with leftists here

Americans don't believe in the concept of class, or rather, the ruling class have told them there is no class structure.

"You cannot trust the interests of any class entirely to another class; and you cannot trust the interests of any sex to another sex."

- Lloyd George

That kind of CG takes a ton of work, it can't be rushed out, it needs to go through alot of tweaking.

But they just hired some VFX guys and told them to rush it out.

yes but that's not why you posted a video from this guy in particular

god leftists are such spineless rats going with whatever the toxic rightoids do no wonder joe biden beat bernie sanders

Why isn't this in the loud house thread? They would be more his speed

The reason America is so obssessed with racial politics is because they are in denial about class.

Unhappy workers, sure.

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