She's just like me fr fr

She's just like me fr fr

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Just show the dick already Hitsuji

Attached: 2Chains Boyfriend.jpg (400x257, 25.49K)

She needs to be bullied.

There better be fresh Kara cum in that drink.

she has a job? then how is she a neet girl? this is horseshit.

this shit is cringe

Starbucks tastes like shit, that's why they put so much sugar in their drinks to mask the shitty flavor.

They use cheap coffee and then burn it on top of that. Even McDonald's is better if you just want a regular coffee.

Is this the part of the dating sim where I can publicly embarrass her because she made an innocent mistake, just to make her run and cry at the employee’s bathroom later?



To be fair, McDonald's coffee is pretty good.

Starbucks actually pulled their employee support for transgender surgeries recently. No more starbux for FFS or whatever.

that's why it's on Any Forums

The artist is confirmed a tranny.

Itt post characters who are you

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>artist is trans
>that automatically means every character they create must be too

Damn, I remember when the meta for /tttt/ was working just long enough for them to pay for it

I thought they just liked to shoot guns, anime and to wear girl's clothes.

Character development my nigga, now I'd like to see her flourishing in college getting a higher education

I mean when they line up with the artists experiences, are full of tranny dogwhistles...yeah kinda.
>Starbucks is like the foreign legion of trans girls
And now Kara is a Wagie at....

Attached: Kara10years.png (748x874, 809.72K)