Dude what if commerical but it was meta

>dude what if commerical but it was meta

Attached: wendys.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

I wish Rick and morty never existed.

someone edit master shake pls

any mega?

aqua teen hunger force thread?

I fucking hate goyslop so much it's unreal.

Iunno, I chuckled lightly


Attached: American Cuisine.png (1200x601, 1.59M)

I legitimately love Mcdonalds, put that 99% preservative seed oil crap in my body, if I could have a lifetime supply of Mcchickens I would happily take it and my future colon cancer.

Not the best time for a Wendy’s promotion

Attached: Wendys.png (1420x1579, 2.01M)

I am also a goyslop hater but don't try to pass bri'ish cuisine as american

its so expensive now i canget a burger at a bar for cheaper

Eating at home is 100% cheaper nowadays but sometimes I just want to zap my body of energy and eat pigslop.

Based simple living enjoyer. There's nothing to me at McDonald's that's truly disgusting either. Just mediocre at worst.

Attached: McDonald's Menu Tier List.png (1040x660, 455.4K)


Good grief, where is the quality control?

the burgersthey sell at bars are bigger and tastier, they also use fresh ingridients there is no reason to go there


chart pisses me off

Man this. I fucking hate seeing it everywhere, and seeing people talk about it as if it was the shit. Hate this modern nihilistic tendency the show so often endorses. Also every show or game made by the people behind them is always the same thing.

It's okay to be an alcoholic fat fuck, user, you don't have to pretend you're only going to the bar for the "burgers"