You run a small independent publishing company with four monthly books. What kind of stories do you make?

You run a small independent publishing company with four monthly books. What kind of stories do you make?

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trannyniggerfaggot shit so i can cash in on those sweet sweet blackrock jewbux before the system caves in on itself

Loli horror smut

whatever the lgbt loves reading so i get the blackrock bucks

Fat titties and sumptuous pussies

Psycho biddies in love

Each of the four books is an anthology, sci-fi, crime, horror, and fantasy. They have a mix of one-off and serialized stories and we'll ask readers to send in comments on which stories they like the most.
We'll go out of business in a year.

Hear me out lads. What if we just rip off Diabolik four times?

That's pretty much what I'd like to do, try and recreate a sort of Weird Tales pulp anthology book that could really be aby type of pulp genre. I would release it as one magazine every month with all 4 stories and whatever other extra things could be fit in.

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and go out of business in a year*

Most likely, yeah. But I would pull a good run out of it

You know, it might actually work out nowadays published on something like Substack. Of course, you've got no chance of finding an audience unless you manage to get a few stories published in Weird Tales itself and some other magazines first to get your name out there.

>one capeshit
>one mystery/horror
>one sci-fi/fantasy
>one comedy
Minimal serialization, mostly episodic stories, allowing new readers to start and stop as they wish.

It would take a great deal of business savvy, but I think it would be possible of the overhead could be managed.

Until one becomes popular and the audience demands more

Cheesecake lesbian vampire SEXXlayers
Gritty criminal psychiatrist drama set in jail counseling, features a different guest artist when the inmates are recalling the events from their point of view
Reality TV tourist cable show that focuses on myths and legends of the region. Magic is real so sometimes the arcs are a more shounen/scooby doo/hellboy monster of the week deal, but the Constantine type guy has to keep a lid on it for the normies and also to keep sponsors on
A Girl's Last Tour western demake
All set in the same universe ;^)

Straight porn.
Gay porn.
Bi porn.
Fetish porn.

The nations umber one cartoon porn mag, all contents are anonymously provided from various artists across the country.

Good thread idea.

Each series would be a maxi-series. 12 issues of the same creative team. If a series is especially successful, it comes back for a second season and on and on.

I'm on the fence if I'd adopt the manga model - I feel like it's practical, but sales might not be there for a black and white, cheap paper comic but I feel like the margins might be there. I know I'd rather pay 10 bucks for 100 pages than 5 for 24 (these aren't hard numbers).

Title 1: Premier Title
A+ tier creative team given catre blanche to make whatever they want. Entirely to build buzz about the publisher, they're allowed to make what they want, and own their IP.

Title 2: Adaptation
I think that comics adaptations of books are under-utilized. I would love to give the right team the chance to adapt Alastair Reynolds, Ben Nova, Brian Aldiss, JG Ballard, Ian M. Banks etc. Non-scifi would be cool too, but I think that these novels with big visual ideas would translate well.

3. Diversity Genre Title
This is a title to give a voice to those who have neglected stories to tell. It would still have to have genre trappings. Mostly to generate positive PR.

4. Fantasy Romance
Erotic, violent, sleazy. HBO in a comic. Chasing the pre-comics code dream. Purely for sales, hoping to rope in them horny readers. Would have no shame in making it furry, as I know the yiff bucks are very real.

I would just try to create a shared superhero universe like Marvel or DC but without the weight of decades of stories on top of it honestly

good for you user