Am I the only one who doesn't care for the new seasons of SpongeBob?

Am I the only one who doesn't care for the new seasons of SpongeBob?

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Yes you're the only one

They're out of ideas and leaning heavily on beating classic jokes into the ground instead of coming up with new genually funny material.

Yep OP you're just to smart for modern SpongeBob

Yes user. Out of everyone on planet earth, you are the only one. You are so special.

I miss when SpongeBob easy about a young man, just starting out on his own. Eager at his job, with a a bitter coworker who's been jaded frim his time at his job. A penny pincher boss, and a best friend who was lazy but also cared for SpongeBob.

I really don't like this new style, it's like a fusion of thin line digital animation with a bastardization of ren and stimpy. If they're trying to adapt it to a younger audience then that's fine but then what's the point of all the call backs?

How the fuck could someone not like nuSponge?

op is obvious bait but ill talk anyway
ive noticed the recent seasons really rely on references to the classics...anyone else feel that way? its not that i think its wrong to bring back old characters, but it seems especially prevalent in reasons seasons where they bring back every background gag and one-time appearance for an episode focused on them and its starting to seem like milking nostalgia or just trying to get those 'oh my god they did [thing im supposed to recognize] woaaa!' reactions on social media

>Fred and Bubble Bass are now mainstays
This seems really weird cause unlike The Simpsons, Spongebob isn't really known to have a cast of recurring "townies". You have the main trio and the side cast of friends that appear regularly and that's it. All other characters that would be needed to move the story foward are almost always just one offs. The only "townie" characters Spongebob ever had was Larry the Lobster and Squilliam; Not major side characters that appear often like Puff or Sandy but reccurring enough to somewhat stand out.

"Fred" isn't even a real character. It was just a one time gag followed up by a running joke audio gag. Fred being "canon" is like if Star Wars introduced a character named Wilhelm .

Do you wanna feel special? You unimportant piece of shit

aaaaaaaand the incels arrived. Pack up boys.

They have the best animation since Cow and Chicken.
Not out of visual ideas, make sure to watch it instead of looking away from the screen like with Family Guy
Zoomers who identify with the self-insert aspects like described are insufferable. Probably because they are too lazy to just get a better job (not a master of their field like SpongeBob, who lives in a nice pineapple)

everybody out of the pool, Guy is here

You have already made this thread yesterday.

>Probably because they are too lazy to just get a better job
You're a literal high school dropout.

Stop posting.

Cope. Talent & being a team player are more important than some worthless piece of paper.

squidward became an unlikeable crazy person who does shitty out of character things to spongebob and patrick and then "gets comupperance" for it so some person on spongebob fandom wiki goes "hey at least squidward deserved it this time"

it sucks being a squidward chad nowadays. no good squidward content anymore since pre-movie. sigh...

Who still watches modern Spongebob?!

What team are you a player for?

There were a few good post-movie Squidward episodes.