Anybody else really like the Constantine movie despite the miscast of Keanu Reeves...

Anybody else really like the Constantine movie despite the miscast of Keanu Reeves? Even thought he was decent considering he’s American and looks nothing like John.

What did you think of Satan in it? Weirdly felt more like the comics despite how different he looks. Has a playful feel and cares more about winning and proving he’s right than being generically evil

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I would’ve preferred blond British Constantine but Keanu did a good job conveying his personality at least.

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Good movie. Completely shits on the source material

This . It's kind of like Joker in the sense that the film would have been stronger had it been its own thing

IN a perfect world we would have gotten Michael Fassbender as Constantine

Yes I enjoyed all the characters in the movie and their roles even Shia because it was still done well enough acting/writing/character/CGI/world building etc, BUT I never read the original material at first and when I later learned more I STILL occasionally enjoy the film for all the same reasons.

I understand fans getting annoyed when they change things but the original comic still exists and anything else made is something new. I can separate a film from its source material and see another persons creative view as long as its still enjoyable to watch and it still is I think . I also watched and enjoyed the Constantine series and the actors in it up until its quick unfortunate cancellation.

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I agree with this user. Never would have gotten funding as its own thing, but it would have been free to be so much more than it was

I think the casting and acting saved this movie from being another generic super hero movie.

>they have the spear of destiny.
>ThEy HaVe ThE sPeAr Of DeStInY ahahaha
>no seriously go look, you waited three decades whats another ten seconds?

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Fucking loved it. Gabriel made me think impure thoughts.

>lol I'll heal you because I know you will fuck up and damn your soul again
The ending was based and anyone saying otherwise can suck my nuts

What? But Constantine is a black woman.

It is pretty perfect. Demonstrates Lucifers character perfectly

Also he’s probably right. At some point John will likely fuck up again

>obligatory "it's a good movie but not a good constantine movie"
and yeah I really like it.

Didn't know about the comics before watching the movie, really liked it. Only complaint I had was the audio mixing.
The 5 minutes Satan was on screen was the best part.

I'm surprised Gavin Rossdale can act.

I really really liked the movie though

it's just a different thing really. not something like the sandman that wants to have its cake but shit on it too.

both he and tilda were great

Better than the source material un every possible way. Just burn all Hellblazer comics now.

it was better in the comic