Did Esmeralda owe Quasimodo

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Owe him what?

you don't need to fuck to be a friend
quasi just needed a friend

He had like five friends already, how many does he need?

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'bout three fiddy I'd say.



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You can’t owe sex, silly. Sex is a holy union between two consenting parties.

You can owe sex if you're a legal sex worker under contract.

>You can’t owe sex, silly. Sex is a holy union between two consenting parties.
were you living under a rock or something? women are whores and sometimes even more that that:

She owed him friendship and that's what she gave him.

No, Esmeralda is more like a mother figure for Quasimodo, there some romantic undertones, but in the end there a reason why Quasi’s mother in the flashback is a gypsy, Esmeralda becomes a figure of comfort to Quasimodo

I think it’s pretty clear he wanted to dick her

>She owed him friendship
You can't owe friendship, just like you can't owe sex.

Quasimodo definitely was interested in her sexually. That still doesn't mean she owes him anything of course.

Don't be autistic.

So psuedoincest tag?


Yes (she's a gyppo).

At least a handy

Yes you can