*mogs the entire MCU*

*mogs the entire MCU*

Attached: MV5BNDA4ZDVlOWMtNzAzMi00YmYwLTljYjctYzQ1MzcyOWZmYzdmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUzOTY1NTc@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1500, 245.92K)

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I prefer Timecop

go back to Any Forums you dumb tourist

I saw several brand new movies within the past month that were better then current MCU fare. Im actually positively hopeful about the future of cinema again if movies of this caliber can still get made

Honest question: is '80s roided-up martial arts dudes like Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren beating the shit out of each other actually any more highbrow than modern superhero movies?

No but its tons more entertaining then sitcom reddit quips, vomit inducing CGI, and grrl power

Attached: 8FDC9BEF-4C27-4042-AE75-525DAAFF6263.jpg (690x1096, 118.75K)

No, but they're more amusing with their undercurrent of extreme homoeroticism




Cinema in it's current state will die without the MCU

Please dont say something that depressing, i already want to kill myself to an unhealthy amount

Attached: 428FF82A-5A31-47D9-AE19-397596A99859.jpg (560x401, 37.91K)

How is it any different from every other movie where Jean clause enters a secret underground fighting tournament, there's about 15 of them


*mogs the entire MCU*

Attached: The Punisher (1989).webm (1280x694, 2.85M)

I love that movie

Was Frank's alcoholic mole who speaks in poems actually based on anyone from the comics or just OC? I've read a decent amount of '80s Punisher and never spotted him.

No, but I never saw people try to call Lionheart or Total Recall or Men of War "modern mythology" like retarded smoothbrains do with capeshit movies.

War zone was better

Cant agree, Warzone was three times as over the top.

I had a friend that dance like JCVD. He even would do the splits against a wall. Big girls loved him and he love the big girls.

Attached: jean-claude-van-damme-dance.gif (384x384, 1.63M)

>Cant agree, Warzone was three times as over the top.
Which is exactly why it was better