BCB - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

The gang is back together edition

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So they were NOT holding hands.
To think that one patreonfag fooled all of Any Forums...

I can't believe the Patreon comment was misleading

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>something for abbey and paulo
>nothing for daisy

He may have already gotten her something.

Or maybe that makeout session was his gift.

Well giving gifts to other girls would imply Mike isn't completely loyal to Sandy, well that's how Taeshi would see it anyways

He really looks like he'd suck mike's dick right there on the spot in public.

They might be weird, or at least their captain is, but I really hope Mike doesn't lose the track team. Let this dude have something that isn't ripped away from him and either tossed to the side, suddenly made to look horrible, or given to Lucy.

I was at work yesterday so I couldn't really respond to last thread before it was archived but I enjoyed your 'Wrong answers only' responses. Anyway here's a throwback.


That's a pretty blatant oversight, unless Mike counts Daisy as family for some reason

Imagine if that was actually the canon explanation

Attached: dik.png (1600x2210, 3.19M)

I would assume Mike already got something for Daisy even if he didn't mention it.

But considering how this comic goes I would not be surprised if this was the actual case.

I am around 85% sure the sudden influx of dick-sucking has exactly two purposes:
1. Convince the readers that Mike is likeable and thus should not be hated, which would be another failure to read the room or to acknowledge basic cause and effect.
2. Give Mike something nice that can be snatched away for a cruel laugh. I'd say plot advancement as well, but this is BCB.

>Convince the readers that Mike is likeable and thus should not be hated, which would be another failure to read the room or to acknowledge basic cause and effect.

I still can't believe she spent half a decade making Mike look horrible out of nowhere by turning him into a mega sperg and not only did it take her so long to try and fix it but she got surprised and upset when her fanbase ended up really hating his guts.

It was super obvious, user

Oh that's definitely the case. Taeshis weird warped view on relationships is the cause for the drama of the Mike, Lucy, and Sandy love triangle. And why Mike was narratively lambasted for being a "emotional cheater".

This is like last minute shopping from the looks of it, so it looks like Paulo and Abbey are the LAST people he's bothering to try and find something for

One would hope so. A shame the dialogue sucks so hard thanks to Suitcase's pointless muckery.

She got her present in the library

Did Mike and Lucy give presents to each other during Christmas?
Like...before everything went to shit

>nothing for daisy
Mike IS her present

That sounds like something they would've done, sure. Last christmas Lucy was in the hospital but the years before that they probably gave each other presents.

He's going to appear in her bedroom dressed in nothing but his scarf, laying seductively on her bed

Imagine if Mike actually gets a friend group that isn't toxic as hell

Mike gave her birthday presents, so almost certainly.