Non-Americans, what is something you saw in cartoons that you originally thought was just some cartoon trope...

Non-Americans, what is something you saw in cartoons that you originally thought was just some cartoon trope, only to later learn it's actually normal for Americans.

For me, it's having to get up at 7:00 for school. For my family and most kids I knew, that was too early even for Christmas.

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Really? What time do you get up? 7:00 was even too late sometimes, I would get up at 6:00 or 6:30 often.


Shoes in house.

I'm British and I've woken up at 7 since time immemorial, though to be fair I gave myself a lot of time to piss around

Schools in my town started at 9:00, so I got up at about 8:30. That was on the late end for my country though, so for others it might be 7:30-8:00, but not as early as 7:00, unless you live in an area with horrible transit.

Not a trope but maybe something mildly interesting. When I was younger and I wanted to make a cartoon I felt like it would have to take place in America since so many cartoons take place there. Thank god for 6teen Jacob Two Two and Kevin Spencer for showing me cartoons can take place in Canada.

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>For me, it's having to get up at 7:00 for school. For my family and most kids I knew, that was too early even for Christmas.
I got up at 7 am, had time to get dressed, get ready and eat some breakfast.
For me it's the big yellow school bus and not wearing uniform.

I've consumed so much American media that my ideas unintentionally end up seeming American. I actually had someone comment saying they don't understand how my school system works because they live in the UK... that's where *I* live.

Yeah that's a holdover from some religious sect from Pennsylvania that belived getting up early helped you stay focused on god or some shit. The god went away, but that part has yet to.

primarily celebration of weird holidays that i never heard of. like mother's day, thanksgiving, and even christmas because it's celebrated on "wrong" date in all american media since im orthodox

>as a retarded kid

People going "it's july" when it's cold and it shouldn't be

>as a less retarded adult

Being told to smile being seen as sexist

I was up at 6:30 because we lived in Kentucky and the bus route was long and bumpy and delivered to two schools.

Unless you are very tall, it still is.
Just because modern day clowns insist we DO NOT laugh at them doesn't mean they aren't clowns.

Missing the point. In the episode, Homer's weight was depicted as freakishly high. It's much more common these days.

i mean, good habit to have

>People going "it's july" when it's cold and it shouldn't be

Can you explain this? No idea what this is supposed to mean and have never seen it in a cartoon or anywhere.

Not really when you're 6 and still developing. Kinda fucks you up actually.

Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. What shit hole do you live in?

>much more common
Like I said. More clowns who demand we don't laugh when they present themselves as a joke.
The fact of the matter is is that even though the subjective definition of freakishly overweight has gone out the window doesn't mean that being in excess of a hundred pounds over your healthy body weight isn't freakishly over weight.

Even as an American I always found that fucking gross. I'm not Asian, my parents never lived in Asia, but we never wore shoes in the house because it's common fucking sense. If you wear shoes inside you track in whatever filth you walked in from outside. How do people not understand this? And shoes on your own bed? Disgusting, it's like a pig wallowing in its own filth.

I honestly think having so many cartoons or just entertainment coming out of America is bad for people's mental health. A lot of people base how they see the world on what media they consume and a lot of it is unconscious so they aren't even aware of how the media is shaping their minds. I saw this interview with this transexual who detransitioned and they said a huge reason why they felt they needed to change, is because in the American media they consumed there was a huge divide in sexes but those kinds of attitudes were not common in their country. I think it was a woman who wanted to be a man because being a woman feels like the opposite of empowering. Or that is at least how this x troon felt.

Like a lot of American media deals with American issues that other countries don't have so, it's like preparing you for a problem you don't have. It's like you have the mentality of an American while living in your own country. I think that is a weird space to be in. Cause it's not like you can easily move to America not that you would want to anyways. It's just a weird mix match. It's like being obsessed with American politics even if you aren't American. How do we got more countries to produce entertainment? Tax breaks? more art classes?

>More clowns who demand we don't laugh when they present themselves as a joke.

Seems more like a you problem, honestly.

What are you talking about? School starts at 7:30 or 8:00 depending on the school in my European shithole. If I don't get up at 6:00, I won't make it to work on time.

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It also convinces them that they know what it's like to live in America, when, most often, they're getting an impression of some very sanitized version of living in the nice parts of an American city.

They ain't seen a bonfire or a football tailgate or underage drinking in the basement or an at home tattoo job or nothing.

Media "soft power" is a major component of American foreign policy. It's no accident. Some countries like France do try to push back on US media dominance. Coincidentally, France then often gets mocked in American media.

The lemon stand episode

It's weird because American media gives both a sanitized and super-terrifying version of reality. Like if you just watch American TV shows you'd think every city has 1,000 murders a week.

You are getting kitchen floor grime all over your socks you dirty chink

And you wouldn't know that 90% of the country's cultures exist. You ain't seen polite but cold Midwesterners, boisterous but friendly Bostonians, aloof New Yorkers who will shove you if you slow down on the sidewalk, Hispanics keeping food in warmers outside so neighborhood people don't have to come inside to get something to eat while they're hanging out, black people playing dice on the sidewalks or listening to music on the porches, Asians or Jews doing literally anything.

Like maybe you might see some Amish or, rarely, farmers.

I'm still not sure if all the bullying that is heavily featured in pretty much every single school setting in 'merican media is a thing or not.
Why are Americans so obsessed with bullying in schools?

Cause they keep poking holes in the schools & they neutered the ability for teachers to actually do anything about it.