He cute

He cute

Attached: Fritz (1).png (1770x2761, 2.78M)

Didn't he molested his younger sister


kek what?

for me? Its winston schwartz
That lizard nazi girl was a cutie too


Attached: Sneekk.png (507x487, 235.19K)

Not in Bakshi canon

The strip where he's back to home from the school

>An early untitled 10-page story, drawn in 1964 and released in 1969 as part of R. Crumb's Comics and Stories (Rip Off Press), depicts Fritz as a beatnik caricature who has an incestuous tryst with his sister.

the more you know

Didn’t the creator literally killed his character after he saw how he was getting commercialized? (Second movie being made without him or Bakhsi approval)

Based if true

Saw it for the first time a few weeks ago. It's an interesting film from a historical perspective, and there are some neat moments, but the vignettes format makes it all a jumbled mess. The shock value is also gone, as we live in a post South Park/Rick and Morty world, so the novelty it had at release is now gone.

Because he had to sell the rights for the divorce lol

Imagine saying this to 12 oz. mouse


I thought it was a cousin.
I'll have to reread that particular story again.

No that was Guy

You're partially right.
The last Fritz the Cat is a parody of his new found fame as a movie star, and he is killed by a psycho-stalker super fan he had a one night stand with, and yes, this was done as a big fuck you to Ralph Bakshi because Robert Crumb hated what Bakshi did to his creation.

However, as a fuck you back, Bakshi made The Nine Lives of Fritz The Cat w/o Crumbs approval, or permission. (Yes, The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat WAS made by Bakshi)

Robert Crumb killed off his own creation because of crass commercialism. This is why you will probably NEVER see a Mr. Natural film EVER!


Do you think their relationship would've been different if Crumb wrote the script?