This is where Star Wars became irredeemably bad with no chance of the franchise ever recovering. Not with Rebels...

This is where Star Wars became irredeemably bad with no chance of the franchise ever recovering. Not with Rebels. Not with the sequel trilogy. Not with Boba. Not with Obi-Wan but this terrible cartoon.

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Oh no you said something obviously dishonest I'm getting really mad now, I'm freaking out, I'm losing it, I'm gonna cum.

>He says ironically while obviously seething

Last season was bad. Otherwise it's fine.

it's true, mostly by carrying over the stink of the prequels. i enjoy rebels much more because it uses the standard star wars trappings but does its own shit and ends up feeling more like star wars than clone wars or the prequels ever did

Rebels stinks much more than any other Filoni project

Attached: Star Wars is a very serious and kino franchise apparently.webm (950x534, 1.46M)

absolutely not, rebels is just about the only thing to ever come out of star wars other than kotor, lego games, and the original trilogy

pulls you in and kisses you while i cup your ballsack

Nah it's bad. You just have love eating dogshit pretending it's gold like most Disney Star Wars fans

>You just have love
What the fuck does this mean? ESL, Zoomer, or just brainwormed retard who can't spellcheck?

I accept your concession.

Clone Wars kept the franchise on life support after the Prequels. Unfortunately it also helped to mend the image of the prequels in people’s minds by filling in story gaps. Now people conflate the two together and insist the Prequels were good from the start. It also doesn’t help that it endured long enough to bleed into the Disney period and is held up as a sacred cow for how the franchise wasn’t beyond saving before Lucas sold it. People kept braying about how Filoni should’ve spearheaded the Sequels, but now that he’s essentially the new George it’s become clear just how limited his visions are. He was hand picked by Lucas to be a successor because he was a fan, but like most fans he can only replicate what’s been made before, he can’t come up with new shit on his own and now we’ve gone from “Hey weren’t the originals great?” to “Hey wasn’t Clone Wars great?” We’ve traded nostalgic boomers and Gen Xers running the show for nostalgic Millennials and Zoomers running the show.

No user, Star Wars became irredeemably bad after this shitty film.

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>it's a star-wars-was-ruined-by-x episode
I've lost count of all the times I've seen this rerun. Have a Rey for maximum seethe.

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>it's a star-wars-was-ruined-by-x episode
Correct. The exact point is The Clone Wars but it ain't an episode.

Incorrect. This is literally the only decent thing the EU ever shat out and it gets quite good by the end.

That short EU Jango comic shits over all the TCW episodes. It's so good Filoni and friends stole it for the Mandalorian.

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>warrior protecting a child is "EU" invention
Delusional retard.
Favreau hasn't seen a single piece of trash garbage fanfic merchandise "EU" cash grab in his life.
And no, none of the bottom of the barrel garbage fanfic comic books shit on anything, they only shit themselves.

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>Sperg of course think it's just the concept of "le lone wolf and cup" that got stolen, not the fact that a Bounty Hunter gets saved by a Mandalorian taking up their code and honor to later want to become a father figure themselves becoming a better person through it
Lol. Sounds about reddit. You need to be 18 to post here


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Right up until its creator fucked it six ways from Sunday with his memberberries, his waifu, that fake Mando bitch, killing Kanan, and pic related, the Space Abomination.

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I never got how Attack of the Clones is considered the worst non-Disney Star Wars film when Phantom Menace is more boring, more badly paced, and considerably less engaging.

Attack of the Clones' climax is the opening shots of a titanic struggle that will claim untold numbers of lives. Phantom Menace is a company blockading some random literal backwater planet as a tax protest.

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...el goblino de l'espacio...