This is my favorite Pixar movie

This is my favorite Pixar movie.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

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You’re probably a cunnygger and no one should take you seriously

its your opinion. Its honestly one of the better pixar movies. Most of their library is overrated as fuck.

It fails to capture the horror of transforming into a large creature with sharp teeth and claws. While Ming's panda is furry milf material, you can't deny that she has stepped on a person or two. These red panda people are monsters.

I still remember all the shills going "HURR YOU ONLY DONT LIKE IT CUS YOU CANT FAP TO IT" and it ended up being the only reason people talk about it

Toronto sucks. That's why.

Eh its definitely the most interesting thing they've done in a while so I can see why some like it but still suffers from a lot of issues we see in their more recent films. The script seriously needed some fine tuning as Mei personality feels a bit inconsistent and pretty much could of axed the two other friends that weren't flannel girl who were just pointless stock characters that don't add anything to the movie along with some awkward rapid pacing in the first act.

and you're definitely an incel.

much to consider. Yeah I do think lots of Pixars are overrated.


yeah but no one faps to Mei

IDK It did seem weird that Mei turned out to be a party animal all of the sudden but other than that it was plausible.

There was a lot happening in the first 20 minutes, but they said that was intentional because Mei needed to get the panda curse early in the movie to keep audience attention.

That's why they cut the opening "Miracle Mart" photo session

just because you're from bumfuck Alberta...

it's shit

It's good but not that good.
The second half especially suffers from script issues and the whole panda metaphor thing they were going for doesn't work at all

metaphors tend not to work imo

>yeah but no one faps to Mei

It doesn't mention 9/11

Lack of pregnant Mei fanart and porn

I'm not into pedoshit but the bitchy milf was hot especially in her panda form

Metaphor for what exactly? Because it was more than just about periods and I wish more people got that.

Probably a lolicon
and that's alright.

>Metaphor for what exactly?
That's the problem. The movie itself doesn't make that clear. Is it a metaphor for periods, puberty, growing up, rebellion or your messy side?
It changes from scene to scene.

Why can't it be a metaphor for more than one thing?
Its honestly a fine movie. Its not my favourite though, that would be Luca