The Legend of Korra's giant feet

The Legend of Korra's giant feet.

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I kind of wish Korra had a touch more Wonder Woman or totally spies. That every episode they found something fetishy to do with Korra.

Should I watch Avatar the Last Airbender?

No you should watch Korra, its the better show by far most people are just coping

Yep, I agree with both you anons

>The art was the ONLY good thing about this godawful show...aside from decent moments in Season 1.

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I don't see many people talk about Korra's ass. but good lord!
Lin kinda bad too.

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Korra really went by too fast on all the wrong things.

She started off interesting, Korra is found as a kid and trained. As a result she's buff as fuck but also very sheltered the first few episodes her running around the city are actually fun. I like her relationship with Bolin and Mako. Stuff like that could have been fun.

In my opinion it all goes out the window when they meet Asami.

The next probably is like Dragon Ball Z after Frieza. Everything introduced is done ober a season just build up a big bad and defeat them

I agree a million percent. How would YOU have improved it? I mean, aside from remove Asami and have an overarching story?

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I'd have probably made it a story about how modern problems require modern solutions and how the balance of the world is going to get radically more fucked as things go on so you can't always rely on the wisdom of ancients who have never experienced goddamn mechs before.

...I would take the mechs out of it though. They were dumb.

I thought the show TRIED to do that after Season 2, and did it HORRIBLY. I dunno, I kinda dipped out after Season 2 with all the relationship bullshit and how everyone was getting cucked, but that's just me.

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Personally lean heavily into Benders mafiasos.

Make Tenzin a bad guy. Have him be a wise sensei, but have and ulterior motives of using the avatar to bring back Airbenders.

Have the water nation and earth kingdom waring with each other for land.

Would Amon factor into it? Like have Bender Mafiosos, Tenzin being a false mentor with understandable motives, and have Amon basically be a false messiah with a velvet glove promising to make the world a better place but is planning to do ANYTHING but?

Or just remove Amon period?

Not him.
One absolutely terrible Idea I had for Amon is that he's fake. Not merely in the sense that he's actually, idk, a bender (he isn't in my version, but it's not that important) but that he exists entirely to test Korra. Lean into the White Lotus having basically crippled Korra's ability to be the Avatar by sheltering her, and create a splinter group of the white lotus who very much disagreed with this.

So, they create Korra's near perfect antithesis/foil/ She's the worlds greatest bender? He can remove bending? She's terrible at spirituality? He apparently is spirit chosen. She's sort of isolated and isn't really a leader but a tool of the White Lotus? He created his own organisation. Amon exists merely to test Korra. Put her in the closed environment of Republic City, have her face off against someone who seems to be perfectly designed to be her protagonist, see if she succeeds. If she doesn't, wait for the next one.

It's sort of retarded and way too mgs2, but I thought it was fun.

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That's a BAD idea? Sounds interesting IMO.

If that's a bad idea, what's a better way to do it in YOUR opinion?

No Toph! None of that overrated unlikable BITCH of a neglectful mother!

Korra's dark brown nipples and unshaven bush

Dark brown nipples, yes. Bush, uh, no...gross!

Korra doesn't naturally grow that much body hair so it's not even a jungle

Meh, I prefer bald inner pussies myself but, hey, ya know, to each their own.

To do Amon specifically, or season 1? I actually quite like the Amon reveal, mostly. Don't like him "defeating" himself though.

Alright, so we have Tahno. Previously arrogant Bender who loses his bending. Have him join the team. The problem with the Krew is that other than Asami, none of them especially seem to care about the Equalists outside of them blowing up their house. Tahno would. He'd be extremely vengeful and hateful towards them and have lost everything because of them. Have him learn what it's like to live at the bottom of society, powerless, having lost his main way of making money. He serves essentially as the devil on Korra's shoulder, while Asami is the angel. Both Tahno and Asami sympathise with Non-benders, but both have different views on the Equalists. Asami has the view that they have a point but have lost their way, Tahno sees them as just terrorists and wants Korra to work more with Tarrlok to fight them outright, justifying that fixing problems can come later.

Then, we get the riot scene in the show, where they apart from Korra and Tahno are all arrested. But he and Korra see what the Equalists are really fighting against. And it isn't bending itself, but the fucked political institutions of Republic City. The corrupt council, the corrupt police force, etc. So they spring Asami, Mako and Bolin out of prison, throw off Tenzin and the White Lotus and try to bring both Amon and Tarrlok down, as a sort of third way. Actually show Korra really giving a shit about politics, about her actually trying to institute the political changes that happen off-screen between season 1 and 2. Have her defeat Amon and Tarrlok not by punching, or by outing them as totally incorrect wrong lying bloodbenders, but people who have the wrong solution. End with Tahno rejecting the immediate fix of getting his bending back to try and actually become a better person, have Korra learn how to solve problems without fighting, have Asami be more important.

>Ywn cuddle pajama Korra
What would it feel like bros

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Soft. It would be one of the few moments she loosens up and acts sappy and girly.

People REALLY wanted Korra to end up with Tahno and I'd be lying if I didn't see WHY.

And everything about this is great, I just thought of making Amon more of the Darth Vader to Kuvira's Emperor or something similar, like make Amon more of a reaching threat for like 4-5 seasons.