This show was made by hacks

This show was made by hacks

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you were made by hacks

Expected Cringe

Gonna be honest with you, I barely remember any jokes or episodes from this show. All these 90s WB shows were built around people talking in funny voices for 30 minutes straight, it's really difficult to recall almost anything.

I know this pretty much goes without saying, but it's not a continuation of old animation. Old animation is about short premises, usually with limited talking.

Tom Ruegger made a bunch of successful cartoons in the 90s and faded away right when the 2000s started. What happened?

1. Not everyone can have or needs a run longer then 10 years, that's just when he peaked.

2. Pokemon was way cheaper to get, dub, and air then the earlier 90s shows were to make with tons of merchandising and franchise tie-ins which weren't what shows like Animaniacs were trying for. Oh they might have some t-shirts or games but remember when GI Joe or original My Little Ponies were made to sell collectibles? Most 90s cartoons weren't like that and Pokemon brought it back to that.

These kinds of shows just made no sense business wise for while. While shows were being made, I feel like American animation in the 00s spent some time in a Twilight Zone before the rise of very different big plot arc and lore driven shows like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, and Steven Universe. But you're seeing much less support right now in favor of just recycling the old catalog for very little kids (5) so we might be in another change where animation is kind of on its way out. Both video games and YouTube are stronger competitors for kids attention. The Disney franchises like Star Wars are shielded a bit but I don't know about anything else.

Basically Tom played a big role in bringing about the 1990s "age" of animation but it ended when properties that made more business sense emerged and all ages end.

Also stop making 5 Animaniacs bashing posts a day.

>with tons of merchandising and franchise tie-ins which weren't what shows like Animaniacs were trying for.
More like kids didn't want it. What kid wanted to wear a "fingerprints" shirt?
Kids liked Pokémon as well as a lot of American cartoons. They only really liked the animation budget in Animaniacs. A real novelty compared to things like ThunderCats

I think that the Animaniacs merchandise was just more aimed at the niche older audience stores because those old WB stores were definitely not for kids at all. They were definitely aimed at adult animation fans only.
I think kids enjoyed Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs enough, those shows were wildly popular for a little while. Kids don't give a fuck about the animation quality. It was like Looney Tunes. Little kids also don't care about the quality difference there or the storyline. They like animals and they like slapstick. It's that simple.
SpongeBob SquarePants is similar but the pacing, colors, and sensibility appeal more to the contemporary audience than these did and SB was in a more supportive place to take that and run it into the ground. Kids like Pokemon but also funny animals screaming and hitting each other. They're both really stupid.

Ok, John.

Yeah, I watched and enjoyed it as a kid, but I hardly remember Animaniacs or Tiny Toons. I remember Pinky and the Brain plots better than than Animaniacs for some reason. Freakazoid though I remember everything, it was my favorite Spielberg cartoon by far.

Tiny Toons and Animaniacs had great games though back in the day. Sadly Freakazoid never got one.

>Kids don't give a fuck about the animation quality
They do, even if it's subconsciously

>Kids don't give a fuck about the animation quality.
That sure is an animation industry opinion because they can't draw even like Animaniacs, let alone like Looney Tunes. I'm sure that the reboot suffered because so few artists besides the exspumco employees can draw the characters
It took me literally over a decade to realize people are stupid enough to think they are talking to John Kricfalusi when they say this.

Sadly this. The only thing I even remember from Animaniacs was the Yakko world map song, and I really only remember that because of memes. It was great as a kid but forgettable as an adult.


That's because Tiny Toons and The Warner Siblings shorts are far more enjoyable for kids. Pinky and the Brain and Freakzoid worked better for teens and adults. Fuck, they even tried making Pinky and the Brain primetime. Unfortunately, the networks really wanted to very young kid audience, younger than even Tiny Toons and The Warner Siblings were really working for.
The Tiny Toons shorts and the Warners were also really repetitive. Freakzoid had more versatility and while Pinky and the Brain were repeitive they could make the characters and their relationship a little bit deeper than the Warner Siblings could really go, so when they got their own show there was a little bit of variety.
Original Tiny Toons and original Animaniacs were actually only meant to run for a very short time though. I think they said only one season firing on all cyllinders was really meant for each. That sounds about right, most of the idea only had a handful of shorts in them, and that's all they were really meant for. There was some idea that they could chop them up and reshow them in compilations after that like Looney Tunes. Actually I think there was at least one of those kinds of things that did exactly that. They probably wanted there to be more.

I don't know who'd want to watch a show about a bunch of assholes that make outdated pop culture references.

It was the most popular show after Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (which was itself this gigantic phenemenon at the time) for all kids ages 2 - 11. It had double the popularity of the Disney Afternoon shows at the time, which were also some of the top cartoons. It was very popular. But if you're not ages 2 - 11 you're not the target audience. So lots of people did.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was also incredibly bad and you are lying to yourself if you say it's not but it was this massive supernova of popularity at the time.

Kids like stupid things.

Rugrats and Doug lasted longer than Animaniacs.

Animaniacs was really only supposed to last for one single season, the writers lost interest after that. In fact, originally, everything past the first season was just made as a "commercial" for that first season to run in syndication for as long as possible. The thinking was different back then. They wanted to make one season and stop. Looking at the show, it's designed for a very short run. The idea that the goal is to run forever wasn't the idea when they STARTED though by the time they finished people were starting to get that stupid idea. They stopped Tiny Toons before it lost popularity on purpose because there was also only about a season "in" that whole show. Sometimes that's okay. Think about today's limited series where the whole thing is designed for just 6 episodes and it's all done, that was the original idea of Animaniacs.

With bologna in their sacks

Kids, that's who