Weekly Any Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

the-conservatory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Any Forumsnservatory_Wiki

Past threads:
desuarchive.org/co/search/text/the-conservatory wiki/type/op/

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Other urls found in this thread:


>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

Last time:

-New pics
-Progress on the Highway Robbery comic
-More of that sticc blonde prince and thicc readhead
-IKAG comic progress
-Bullion script writing CONCLUDED with 17 issues
-Progress on THEFAPV comic
-GG comic pages
-Other stuff I didn't mention

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Alright, well I have stuff to do today, so sink or swim for the thread.

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Cool, Thanks for getting the ball rolling

Hope the thread does okay.
Most of my input has been the bullion talks.

Was there much collaboration going on or has it mostly been people working on their own projects that pop in for progress updates?

Hopefully we can get more ikag

shhh iris is sleeping (she keeps an eye open)

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>I dream of boobies

Who doesn't?


Has anyone come up with names for
sticc blonde prince and thicc readhead yet?

there have been suggestion but i'm not sure theres been any agreement yet

Collaboration has been off and on like it always has been.

Take for example.
There was a nice story jam that happened I guess a month or so back about the school play that would be put on in IKAG, so spur of the moment stuff still happens.

The other big project of recent note has been JackHammer. Loads of conversations about him and building up his surrounding cast. It's different than the usual stuff though since any character being created in regards to him is being put to use immediately in a story.

As for GG stuff, there's always more. At some point discussion will pick up again about one era or another. I'll likely get back on the script bandwagon once the time comes for 'The Weapon Wonder' and 'Tempering Bronze' to get more polish.

Sorry this looks badly drawn and rushed, just didn't want to waste so much time on this joke

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What gave them away?

To add, the Bullion scripts can enter editing in earnest now.
It's much easier to edit something once it's all written out start to finish and all the twists and turns are known.

As for anything going forward, GGverse or otherwise, I'd need an ending point if I write another overarching arc of something. I had that for the Bullion code arc (should there be a better name for it?) which made it possible for me to keep pushing forward towards it since I knew where it was going to end.

>To add, the Bullion scripts can enter editing in earnest now.
Yeah, I've beaten Xenoblade 3, so I've gotten back to working on issue 1.

Cool. I imagine there's all sorts of things that will come up that I wouldn't have thought of.

I spent half my day yesterday playing the Splatoon 3 demo. Looking at the lobby they have this time makes me remember how the old arcades smelled back in the 90s, but my brain is fried after so many hours of that all at once.
Puts me in a clearer headspace for 90s GGu though.

It's a fun joke

Is there any type of discord for these threads?

No, nor will there ever be.

No, these threads are decidedly anti-discord because it removes open documentation of progress.
As broken as relying on thread archives is, it's still easier to sift through than a chat log when you want to find some idea someone posted at some point because you have an idea you think is cool inspired by it like a year later.