Dont get me wrong im happy for people that enjoy superman the same way im happy for people that like to pick their nose...

dont get me wrong im happy for people that enjoy superman the same way im happy for people that like to pick their nose and eat it good for them everybody should be more happy and if something makes you happy im happy about that

but as a charicter as a story as an expirience

i dont like it i think its trashy gatcha watching it leaves you like a junkie waiting for a fix and forces you to convince yourself it had anything of value imo its not even fun escapeism

>what if lazor eyes super strenth flight ect was imparted to a 100iq man the story

the 100 iq man would do more for the world in a day its absured to not think that him with all his power has no responisbility and is a litteral anti hero written as an actual hero the guy is borderline evil with how he hoses to interact with the world around him

the only feasible explination in my mind is that he wants to hide amoungst humans but from what?? is he useing the humans as a shield like rick and morty??? its crazy

Attached: FZpfyz5XoAUrRbT.jpg (512x288, 29.59K)

This fucking strokeposting thing is so aggressively unfunny. Why are there suddenly a million people trying to replicate Ayiderdee this year? The Squidward green post, the Fred Flintstone post, the King Of The Hill post, and now this

Imagine making a new Superman thread the moment your thread post timer runs out, flooding Any Forums with the same fucking threads that no one replies to thinking it will actually make people like the character instead of finding Supercucks and their gay symbol of worship obnoxious as fuck.

Attached: 6958596498_f885c9749e_b.jpg (768x1024, 154.23K)

>schizo op spams anti-superman threads
>he must be a superman fan in disguise
Go back to Any Forums gokuvirgin

Attached: Superchads vs Gokufags.jpg (622x1428, 242.98K)

You can tell some weeb faggot typed this

Attached: tumblr_29d4fd7c5b05d874515cf84e4458222e_7448176a_250.gif (200x150, 2.11M)


Attached: 1640767388112.jpg (1154x1062, 114.51K)

This is clearly an antisuperman post in OP you retard

>a non human alien that has more power than you could ever hope to acheave with zero charicter flaws and absolutely no relateability for any human or any aspirational quality such as the anthropomorphise;d gods of ages past or no realistic unrealistic adventure such as heros from the past can teach you anything about calling bullshit

how did he teach you to try your best? and how does trying your best translate into the real world what happens if you try your best?? what did you learn from him?

sory for text wall i cba editing it lmao
Hes not charming he immitates what charming is supposed to be
he does not do the best he can he hides among us
he is interesting thats a fact but all unknowns are interesting

if you wanted to try and extrapolate the "angels walk amoungst us angle" i would give you props but lets be real thats not an angle the story of superman attempts


Attached: 65FB820E-A52B-4E5A-BD57-C9706F88CDEF.jpg (300x400, 38.88K)

This is the "worst" picture of a DBZ fan user could fine. And it's just some normal dude doing a silly pose/expression.

Meanwhile all I have to do is type "superman cosplay" and I'm presented with an absolute freakshow of overweight low-t degenerates.

Says a lot about the fanbases, doesn't it?

Attached: download.jpg (240x210, 8.75K)

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Attached: ca3a955cb572fb09f2fa48eacb018614--cosplay-fail-super-man.jpg (236x319, 14.85K)

And let's not forget all the Pride pictures, because Superman is officially a gay symbol now.

Attached: supermanisgay.png (750x373, 612.91K)

Attached: trannyman.png (599x337, 322.67K)

user, quit trying to apply your gen Ed English education to a fucking funny book character. Superman hides among us to live a normal life. Dude was raised human and still wants to maintain a piece of that. That right there is at least one interesting thing for you. I understand not liking the character, but don't sit here and act like his setting, supporting cast, and stories have absolutely zero merit just because you can't get into the character.

Meanwhile if you type in Goku cosplay you see a bunch of buffs who've been hitting the gym.

Attached: gayerman.png (599x337, 348.52K)

Silly? Maybe? But at the very least they can take off the wig and get a quick lay on Tinder.

Goku >>>>>>>>>>>>> Superman

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159.93K)

>>schizo op spams anti-superman threads
That is true and I'm pretty sure you are the schizo OP. Almost every single superman thread in this board is made by retarded faggots strawmaning so they can masturbate to messages in support to their superdaddy

1. Make an obvious straw man Superman thread on your mobile.
2. Jump onto your computer and write an essay-long refutation that no one will read.
3. ...
4. Profit?

they do have almost no value so he wants to be human thats a very selfish an human attitude its a good motivation but any cursory reading sees it for outlandish plot convenience why is he working as a reporter??? the job of a reporter is to expose the truth to the world and he is in a better position than anybody on earth to do that and yet he suffices himself with mundane monotony to "blend in"

its bullshit

The superman enjoyer on the pride group does look like a fit chad

Attached: super gay chad.png (100x188, 42.49K)

how many superman threads do you need?

And just like Superman he takes it up the ass in front of a crowd.

There's literally a trend where couples get Goku-Chichi tattoos.

Attached: trend.png (743x829, 799.77K)