Cute cat

That's it, i don't remember ANYTHING else from this movie. Was it good?

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Most remember it for the dog instead

It was ok

Just listened to the original audio for the first time.
Her voice is way older than than the dub. Fucking ruined.

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Doesn’t he look like Neil Patrick Harris?

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What dub did you watch?

Nevermind, the dub was way worse lmao. I REALLY didn't remember anything from this movie.

Hannah Montana

But what dub??

I recently watched that Rhino short that they made, and I got fucking whiplash when at then he starts fucking singing Best of Both Worlds from Hannah Montana.

As a big fan of mid-2000s indie rock, I was surprised and delighted that they got Jenny Lewis to do a pretty good song for the soundtrack.

He looks like Niles Crane

Man the other night I dream about this movie getting a Lion King-esque live action. It was weird

It's rare for an animated movie to not having a villain so I'll always hold it in high regard.

Let's not forget

he looks like a Megamind or Monsters vs Aliens character

fuck the nostalgia is real with the road trip stuff scene

when I heard people at school reference this, it felt like Disney animation's bad movie streak was over. true enough Tangled happens and they were back making films that people would pay to watch

It was when Lasseter finally helped Disney make good movies again.

The streak was broken with RBTI though
It will take another decade to make disney do good animated movies again

probably Latino dub
somehow, Any Forums has the highest amount of Hispanic users than any other board
en referencia, yo

He looks like Hawk Moth