Zaslav did nothing wrong

Zaslav did nothing wrong.

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Zaslav is unironically the savior the industry needs. Kill the shittiest 50% of everything and make the other 50% sweat so they try hard.

>cuckfish tv

Most media is shit these days so canning stuff can only spare us.

Until you people are prepared to discuss top down jewish control of the industry nothing will ever improve, shows will just continue to push horrible jewish politics and continue being substandard garbage

honestly he could blindly cancel anything from CN and WB and still nothing of value would be lost.

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>Zaslav ends up causing WBD to lose 20 billion in market cap all because of the cancelation wave
>"N-no guys he's a savior! He dindu nuffin!"

>Until you people are prepared to discuss top down jewish control of the industry nothing will ever improve.
Adolf Hitler? Is that you?

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No it's Louis Farrakhan

>muh 20 gorillian
That's a drop in the bucket for them

>not even a bait
i'm glad you know it is the truth.

>That's a drop in the bucket for them
lmao it really isn't for any corporation let alone one such as WB who was already in debt.

To save 3?

Then why are they 55bil in debt?

I will only call Zaslav based when he brings Power Girl and a Wonder Woman with curves

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it's scummy but there's absolutely zero goodwill from the entertainment/animation industry and all of its biggest supporters online are brown-nosing faggots desperate to get noticed by these insiders for a crumb of clout and hope to eventually be a part of the in-group. he can tear down everything for all I fucking care, as far as I'm concerned this has been a long time coming
jews have controlled hollywood since it began the problem is all the funny jews are dead/dying and all that's left are the no-goodnik retards who either push globohomo bullshit or wholeheartedly believe it

All mergers cost money. They'll rebound by the end of the year.

Keep pretending you understand

That's market cap though

>jews have controlled hollywood since it began the problem is all the funny jews are dead/dying and all that's left are the no-goodnik retards who either push globohomo bullshit or wholeheartedly believe it

Well essentially you're just talking about the difference between secular jews and the ones who follow the religion, because globohomo is literally just the jewish religion being carried out.

The ones who have placed themselves at the top of our institutions are unfortunately the latter and not the former

>Jews want to destroy the white race!
>Because...look, they just DO, okay!?

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Andrew Sparrow has a poop mouth with poop opinions.

so what I'm hearing is to save western animation we've gotta destroy israel
you can argue the severity of it happening but if you're not noticing major anti-white sentiment brewing in major institutions then you're either willfully blind or part of the problem