I think that American Pop Culture has led to the infantization of society. You see it here all the time too

I think that American Pop Culture has led to the infantization of society. You see it here all the time too.
>back in my time cartoons used to be good!
Life has been pain and suffering for the millenia man has existed. All stories and myths had tragic endings and were tales of caution and fear. Now here comes pop culture and infects people. Suddenly they start thinking happy endings are possible, things are simple, distilled archetypes are the truth and so on and so forth. It's insulting and damaging. Think back. Achilles traded his life for glory. Odin traded his eye for knowledge. Oedipus tried to fight fate to no avail. Belerophon won and was still struck down, the gods cheating because that's the nature of the world. Fairy Tales used to contain savage deaths, cannibalism and never ended happy. Life is pain. But noooooo, in Fantasy Land, God (Superman) is all-powerful and all-wise, and he spends his time rescuing kittens. He forgives everyone. Righteous Vengeance (Batman) never kills, never makes any actual moral choices. He simply perpetuates the same rotten status quo out of some misguided JudeoChristian morality. Aragon is the "good king" and he solves problems by... being le gud!

Anyone who grows up with such media turns into an infantilised moron incapable of critical thought.

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Yeah is that way for these types of threads.

I didn't read any of that
I'm happy for you tho
or sorry that happened

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meds now

What country are you from user? I assume it's something European seeing your hard-on for Andersen.

You speak in a unsufferable faggot way but you do indeed have a point, a very interesting one that would merit more thought but we cant expect a good thread about It here

I blame slave morality and liberalism (historical definition not American one) for these issues

Damn, there's always next time tho

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>yes you do indeed have a point
OP pls.

Is this ironic? Better be

I came in the thread to sage and defer him to Any Forums but what he said got me thinking about the potential pathological influence pop culture can have

Think of disney adults for exemple

>All stories and myths had tragic endings and were tales of caution and fear
Yeah! Like back in the good ol' days of The Epic of Gilgamesh, which taught you that the mortal struggle is a futile one and we were all destined to die. The Mesopotamians were raw and they had the right idea of the afterlife: a dank, miserable place where the dead would eat clay and drink dust for eternity, and it didn't matter if you were a king or a saint, suffering was guaranteed all the same. I blame the cultural rot on Abrahamic religions and their lofty ideas of redemption, eternal paradise, etc

>I'm literally Neo because I read The Odyssey in high school
I'm sorry that Christianity feminized you with the thought of salvation and heaven. Go watch Adventure Time to cleanse yourself of this spiritual soi.

>Go watch Adventure Time to cleanse yourself of this spiritual soi
Contradiction. Oxymoron. Paradox.

Saying it over and over to yourself doesn't accomplish much

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The only way you could have made more pretentious post was if you used the word eleutheromania like a certain resident autist.

>hero constantly loses
>doesn't get the girl
>dies like anyone else would
>the world just gets worse
It's right up there with Iliad, you're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

I feel like your whole theory is standing on the assumption that people's life teacher is entertainment media. Not even ambiguous infotainment or political comedy, just straight up superheroes and fantasy movies.
It doesn't even seem to cross your mind that non-retarded people can draw sharp lines between reality fiction.
(For the record: Obviously kids at different ages have varying abilities of distinguishing fiction from reality, but this post doesn't seem to be about age ratings.)

The whole post just reeks of someone who had to be raised by TV/ the internet, or at the very least has consistently surrounded himself with terminally online people who think about entertainment the same way one thinks about a school curriculum.

Even if you genuinely believed that people can't distinguish fiction and reality: Changing entertainment to be more educational would just further entrench people in the belief that entertainment conveys genuine, valuable life lessons.
It makes the problem *worse*.
The solution is to do the opposite: Let entertainment be entertainment, and solve the actual issue of people having a hard time differentiating between it and educational content. Make the divides sharper, not blurrier. Do something about kids getting raised by the internet and not having their world view rooted in actual education and real life experiences.

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Ok, you might have a point
>Le happy endings bad
Extremely cold take, trash. Come back when you have more despair to share (and actually read a book).

>Think of disney adults for exemple
They always struck me as something that's always been around in some shape or form, only now with the ability for anyone to share their experiences with the rest of the world, it is more visible. Or otherwise exaggerated for the sake of more culture war stuff

Been there done that.
Get over it.

Disney adults are just sports fans for people who hate sports. People get stupid about "people need something to worship" type rhetoric, but it's just a "ritual" that has a community that enhances the experience. You just don't like the vibes.