Cartoons will gain popularity as memes and get more people interested in them but you guys will still find a way to get...
Cartoons will gain popularity as memes and get more people interested in them but you guys will still find a way to get mad about it.
>but they're not appreciating it CORRECTLY!
Would you rather people not become interested in cartoons and the medium slowly die?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 629.18K)

what is the context of this post? were you having an argument with some user earlier in the day over this?

They aren't interested in the medium, they just want to haha at the funny meme for five minutes and move on to something else.

it's not funny.

That video alone has over a million views. There's probably going to be at least a hundred of them that see this and think "Wow, these old cartoons are actually kinda cool. I wanna know more."
Irrelevant, kids love it

The question powed is a false dilemma, since you cannot exactly "slowly kill the medium". As long as there are people who know how to animate, and those who want to woch, cartoons will live. The precious medium is not going anywhere, so your question is so stupid I bet you live in Florida.

*the question posed

>That video alone has over a million views. There's probably going to be at least a hundred of them that see this and think "Wow, these old cartoons are actually kinda cool. I wanna know more."
That's kinda how I reacted to the meme. Although I had a tiny exposure to soviet cartoons prior this meme sparked a further interest in em. I think memes are just another means of spreading awareness of media that has been previously overlooked or faded into obscurity. Maybe most won't really appreciate it "correctly" but at least a small portion might.

I had seen threads about this Soviet movie and always wanted to see it because the designs looked like so much fun. Thanks to the meme some user went around giving links to the whole thing to make sure whoever was interested saw the original and i was finally able to see it and it's really charming, so I thank the meme for that

Funny story, a bunch of animators decided to reanimate Livesey scenes from Treasure Island and now Soviet boomers are having a meltdown over it because they don't really understand the idea of a fanmade redraw animation collab and think this is some reboot by modern studio. They also think the new animators' arstyles are ugly and soulless kek.

>forced zoomer meme

Attached: 1661015333828615.gif (270x270, 696.33K)

As long as Russia does not (try to) attacc Murrika over this, a bit of online drama is always fun to have.

>war waged over a cartoon

Cдaвaйcя, aмepикaнeц
Tвoя мyльтикoвaя aгpeccия нe бyдeт пpoщeнa

If they didnt declare after Gadget they arent going to for this.

Never have I ever seen anyone actually discuss soviet animation on here, or much of the internet for that matter, but now all of a sudden everyone's gate keeping? This meme's annoying but don't pretend that you've ever cared or known anything about soviet animation.

Attached: 1huuuuh.jpg (908x720, 74.73K)

Attached: Chip is literally dying in the snow right now.jpg (1260x712, 171.84K)

We do, but not often, and usually just shorts.

I must be getting old. I haven't seen this meme anywhere at all yet this has somehow gone viral? It's like how I'll discover an e-celeb because they did some dumb shit and I find out they have like 10 million subscribers, yet I've never heard of them. Either I'm old and too slow to keep up or modern internet is astroturfed to fuck.

>astroturfed to fuck.
It's called "forced meme" and has been around for decades. Ever heard of Milhouse?

reanimates always have some shitty animators on board that ruins everything