
Time for the complex intricacies of goblin government

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so it seems like the havlin/goblin link is real after all.

>What the fuck is that!
I love how blunt they are

>complex intricacies of goblin government
it is going to be hat based. That's why one has a pirate hat and the other has the trade master hat.
I for one am all for this.


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No Alfie just lied so they think she's some weird variant

I mean. There is some lond of validation with their height and ears.

>playing pirate in the woods like children
uhoh that age of consent is getting blurry again

>it is going to be hat based
It might going by the unlettered pages

its how they lure the young ones

you can't just say the r-word you green nigger

>femboy gone
>snakecuck gone
>fagelf gone
>love triangle solved
>nothing but shortstack kino from sea to shining sea
Finally getting back to the roots of the story.
Might be about time to pick it back up.

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Alfie is Any Forums+/tg/ the comic!

With enough /aco/ to keep everyone interested.

Sorry, but I'm chaste and can't read this comic.


>on an 18+ website

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I want to marry four or five of these little creatures and make my own little tribe of goblinas.

I consider /aco/ just a part of Any Forums in this comparisment.

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Is her kind really that rare?

Given that the only settlement we know of is Pickering and they're a bunch of isolationist prudes, probably?

Ah yes, the Team Fortress 2 approach.

It's probably less a bout rarity and more that they never travel. Just like how not many people had seen the goats before.

Halflings don't leave their region, so seeing a one traveling is very rare.