How come the Avengers don't have that much success in other media?

How come the Avengers don't have that much success in other media?

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all they had to do was hand the IP over to Insomniac. they already confirmed that The Avengers exists in their universe.

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If it was a good game, it would’ve sold tons. The bad word of mouth killed it. Also nobody cares about Kamala.

because their main MCU audience are people who don't watch cartoons and don't play AAA games

what you mean? that retard cancelled EMH

Of course they do which is why shows like Invincible and games like Spider-Man are so popular. The audience is there just not the quality

The shows are badly directed and written. The game started off single player but was forced to become a multiplayer live service game because the Avengers license was so expensive. That game was so bad it hurt the GotG game.

and they would adapt aaron. Bravo

They haven't even made an Iron Man game despite him being the face of the MCU.

Because the Avengers is Marvel's weakest mainstay creation.

Audiences - both casual and fanboy - are much more emotionally invested in Spider-Man and X-Men

On a lesser level, Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk and Captain America have more potential to reclaim the pop culture popularity they used to have across multi-media.

Of the original Lee-Kirby concepts, Avengers is the cheapest cash-grab: they admitted it was just an imitation of the Justice League, it was just a team-up book of all their new characters that were gaining popularity.
It has no soul, it has no reason to exist, its literally "cash-grab"

The movies were such a hit because 1) they beat DC, Sony and everyone else at being the first "superhero team up" movie. the novelty was seeing all these heroes in one movie together. 2.) people really *LOVED* RDJ as Iron Man and enjoyed the supporting cast of Evans, Ruffalo, Johansson, Hemsworth and Jackson.

Cinema would be very different if WB was able to make George Miller's Justice League movie

There are games based on the first two Iron Man films and the PSVR title that came out a while ago.

They don't. Billions of people watch mcu movies, only few millions played spiderman or watched invincible.

It is a good game though.

Because avengers is garbage franchise, that will die and fall into obscurity without the mcu.

>X-fan SEETHING that everybody loves the Avengers more than his pet muties
Many such cases.

I've never played a game that's so desperate to be as unfun as possible. And that's not even mentioning how much it clearly wants you to cough up money

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The Avengers don't have as much history in other media as characters like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman or the X-Men do. They achieved mainstream fame in the MCU era, a time when most cartoon and game adaptations were a lot more likely to be awful than in past decades. But they had one popular cartoon that only got cancelled because of Disney buying Marvel. That's more than a lot of other characters get.

Iron and x-O maniwar

>Billions of people watch mcu movies
I don't think you know how much a billion is nevermind billions. Only someone like Elvis could get that many viewers

Stop lying. Fantastic Four never had multi-media pop culture success like that, it's a brand Marvel kept TRYING to adapt without any significant successes outside of comics. Avengers took off the first time there was a real serious attempt to push Avengers. Hulk's mainstream recognizability has largely been decades of coasting on the 70s Hulk show being so well known, there hasn't really been anything since that was a huge mainstream hit for him until the Avengers movie. As for the X-Men, is right about you. Outside of 90s kids with nostalgia for their cartoon and games of the time, the X-Men never really took off with normies in the way even the lower-tier MCU characters have taken off.

That's a game from the mid 90s. They haven't tried to capitalize on his MCU popularity since some games around the time of the first two Iron Man movies.

I never liked them ever since I found out the iconic first appearance team in the comics is bait and switch and it goes straight to being a vehicle for lame c listers.
Defenders was better, at least you kept the main trio for a good amount of issues.

From what I've seen of this animated series it's just completely soulless cashgrab. And I mean a really shameless and transparent attempt to ride MCU's success while it was hot. It had very little identity of its own + EMH audience was alienated so I guess that also contributed to that.
Someone should post that image of Falcon sitting at a separate table because he wasn't a part of the Avengers in the movie, so they couldn't use him for "member MCU? wink wink nod nod"

Is it? Now that's it's "free" on PS+ i've been curious about it.

Much of the MCU's success is tied to a consistent and specific interpretation of these characters by very popular actors. I really have no interest in watching Pym's hundredth redemption arc, and I think normies would agree with that opinion.

Yep, it's RDJ, Evans, and the saccharine shine the MCU provides. It's not the characters in any way shape or form.