
netflix should cash in on the incest craze. i will forgive them for their past, present and future sins.

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>incest craze
Most of us don't live in the bumfuck south and wouldn't prefer their kids born with extra eyes and ears.

Basically, fuck off.

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But they won't because they're cowards.

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It will become canon somehow, its the only pairing that matters.
>genetic line so fucked up his kids would come out with dick fingers and brittle bones if he had a kid with his cousin
If you’re the product of generations of inbreeding I can understand your aversion, must be hard to live when your heart is the size of a peanut.

I love her bros, but can you please stop shipping her with her brother

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I sorta dont have much hope for this, almost all content that came after the og series is mediocre at best
why's that?

shes dating me

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We know its you Zuko.

no its user I swear

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Everyone assumes Azula is the one that's more into it tbf, for me her kinks would be femdom, incest and cuddling.
maybe try dating her voice actress, heard she's sorta broke.

King and queen?

>Everyone assumes Azula is the one that's more into it tbf
The real twist would be if Zuko was the one who was *really* into it

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Those titles don't exist in the fire nation

I was asking because of the filters they're using
And well, technically the Phoenix King charge existed for like a week or two, but that was just a replacement for the FL head figure who's more like a demigod on the eyes of their ppl before a king

Why the fuck does Zuko look like something from Sesame Street

>netflix should cash in on the incest craze.

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>my OOC ship won't happen because the staff are cowards
The yaoi and yuri shippers are the same as the incest shippers, sometimes with overlap. All in denial about what the characters would actually want. They're just your fetish puppets.

>what is Korrasami

This guy thinks these movies and shows with incest are being made in Alabama

kys nu-she ra
Literally an example of that. Just some bullshit pairing with no setup cause the writers fell for the meme.

>it's a loli azula episode

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They didnt, it was an attempt to get the show back to being relevant + getting those sweet brown points. It sorta worked since it's the only talk about Korra nowadays without mentioning the word 'flop.'
That aside, seeing that the most popular pairing amongst the fandom is a literal 'i can fix him' I doubt it ppl care if it's ooc or not.