When is this an appropriate response and not just a handwave for criticism?

When is this an appropriate response and not just a handwave for criticism?

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Never. Depiction is advocacy.

Yes. People here get angry about things for pre-schoolers not made for them.

Such as?

Ehhh... most I've seen here is people going "Boy, that new Batman cartoon with the talking Batmobile looks dumb"

Only iconoclasts would disagree with her take.

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When the cartoon is so cheap and shallow that is clear no effort was put into it. If the creator of a show tells your to shill out about their show though it means he doesn't give a fuck about it and neither should you.

If a cartoon being shit makes you genuinely angry, I think this applies

>Depiction is advocacy.
Has the same ring to is as "Depression is enlightenment" or "Suicide is a revolutionary act"

Every time I post a pic of Shimmer and Shime there is always some sperg bitching about it, it could be years apart and someone would just comment in how shit the show is or something.

"Magic xylophone" type comments.

Or any media, really. MST3K already said it best decades ago:

>If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
>And other science facts
>Then repeat to yourself "It's just a show
>I should really just relax"

Barney fag, but don't call him here

This. It's an appropriate response to people like Mr Enter. It's less to do with your criticism and more how you're presenting it.

It is appropriate when asked to add diversity.

The industry will start firing people en masse if they start copying this same "LIKE MY WORK OR I WILL KILL MYSELF TO PUNISH ALL OF YOU!!!!!" rhetoric that you espouse so dearly

Not at all. If your work privileges white cisheteronormativity, it's exclusionary by design and is a staple of antitrans-misogynoir programming that needs redress. Cishet whites should not be given primacy and they should not be allowed creative control. That content needs to be shunted.

Go on and try stopping them from doing stuff. I'll wait.

When Discovery pulls a bunch of cartoons off streaming forever for a quick tax kickback.

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When people here complain about children's shows made for an audience 1/3rd their age

Don't have to, they'll stop themselves in time. Whites are a cultural void, they're defined by their inability to exist without an exotic culture to "other" and parasitize. We're all wise to this and have been for centuries. It's no longer acceptable. As soon as the next crop age into the market and all the geriatrics have died off, they can be put in their proper place.

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I'm of two minds about this.

Complaining about an episodic show whose gags are intended for eight-year-olds is absurd, I agree. Teen Titans Go, for instance, clearly isn't targeting anyone older than ten. Fair enough.

But there are some cartoons where you can tell the writers want to talk about Deep Important Subjects like trauma and oppression. And that can sometimes work - but don't be surprised if adult fans end up critiquing the show as though it were a mature work. If you're trying to write about the human condition, hiding behind the "It's just a cartoon for kids" shield seems craven.

>But there are some cartoons where you can tell the writers want to talk about Deep Important Subjects like trauma and oppression
Can you name a few of these so we're on the same page? Preferably ones that botched the execution

I could go on.