You can always tell a sci-fi cartoon is shit by how quickly they abandon their no time-travel rule

You can always tell a sci-fi cartoon is shit by how quickly they abandon their no time-travel rule

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What episode?

The snake planet episode in season 3.

What a silly, inoffensive reason to disown a sci-fi series. The Snake episode technically wasn't even a full time travel plot. Find more significant things to complain about, user.

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>The Snake episode technically wasn't even a full time travel plot
Yes the fuck it is. No time travel is an important rule, it's vital for people to accept the inherent decay of entropy. If you abandon that you're admitting that you're out of ideas.

Did you see the one where he turned himself into a pickle? Funniest shit, I swear

Okay yeah that one was fucking gold lol

Not OP, but it really isn't. 'No Do-overs' is a pretty significant rule to break. At that point, you've functionally admitted actions have no consequence. If so, what's the point of calling it sci-fi instead of fantasy?

>'No Do-overs'
What episode was that stated again?

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I just watch it for best girl

Wasn't there an episode where Morty wanted a "like in video games" quicksave point he could hop to if bad stuff happened, and Rick gave him what he asked for, but instead of time travel it was just shunting his mind into the body of another morty in an almost identical universe every time he fucked up, and he was just killing those mortys?
Pretty sure that was him explicitly telling morty that he doesn't get do overs without consequence.



Glasses girls uber alles

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The show had already dropped off in quality to the point of being unwatchable before I even got to that point, so this is my first time hearing about it, and damn... I can't believe they actually did that.

You're only ever gonna watch one episode on a loop?

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What, you gonna cry about it?

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You are in titled to your own options though

Give it to me straight, is this show pure cringe? Its just chalk full of toilet humor and mean spirited “good guys.” Seems pretty low brow, but i’m interested to hear some thoughts on the matter.

>Not doing time travel at some point

I don't know what you expected OP.

Rick and Morty is a genuinely clever take on a dysfunctional family interacting with the limitless possibilities of an infinite multiverse, exploring themes of co-dependency, substance abuse, and existentialism. But it's all wrapped up in dick jokes and occasional toilet humour, so at least you already know that going in. Ignore whatever else you might've run into related to the series online and just form an opinion for yourself. I'm sure there's SOMETHING you'll find you enjoy about it.

If anything, watch the show for Morty. He's an appealing, layered character whose development is fascinating to watch unfold. His role in the series is quite interesting.

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time travel is only good if it doesn't alter the timeline
worrying about killing your own grandfather or butterfly effect-ing the present into a dystopia=lame, been done a hundred times, requires basically no effort or thought
seeing previous events from another perspective, finding out that something unexplained from the past was time travel all along, or going into the past to ensure some pivotal event occurs=cool as shit and immensely satisfying

This Run the Jewels video was so bad. Rick and Morty as 2 cool Tarintino-esq gangsters is so embarrasing, like gangsta Looney Tunes or Sponge Bob on a flea market t shirt bad