I don't get it

I don't get it

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Red = blood and organs, but you can take the same gory scene and recolor it and it will pass S&P

It's supposed to represent the color of blood.

God, I hated being a kid, and watching action cartoons that went out of their way to avoid blood. I remember watching TMNT 2003, and there were points where characters literally got stabbed, and died, but there wasn't a drop of red blood.

Invader Zim had to change the color of the explosions to green/blue instead of red. For some strange reason, this only seemed to apply to certain episodes and not others.

I also don't know why the color of an explosion should matter (as if it's literally blood vapor instead of just intense heat), but I'm also not a conservative moral guardian.

Like, it's more the fact that you are plainly having these violent action scenes, but blood is a no-no.

I remember Power Rangers did this a couple of times. It was obvious it was a censorship thing, and not a style thing, because the sentai version would be a regular explosion. Also I remember there were times when they'd reshoot sentai footage to make it so characters weren't pointing guns directly at the screen.

Everyone goes out of their way to make it so “maybe someone survived” in more modern cartoons but the human body dies so easily. People would get their necks broken so easily in most of this shit

Something, something, 9/11.

American ratings are so weird, they can show a SWAT team massacring cartel members with bullets but they'd still have to censor the word "Fuck" with a bleep.

They've never made sense, it's like how some shit that was Y7 now PG in reruns or whatever but it's always all over the place.


My favorite form of censoring is when they can't even say a character died so they make up a fate 10x worse than death like being sent to the dark dimension or entombed forever.

Execs will hold up production if you make something red and drippy. You can't even show a monster getting comedically skeletonizes by a hero because that's too violent.

>Get ready to get sent to the shadow realm

Why are things like blood banned in childrens' entertainment?
Like I get that you wouldn't show someone getting violently killed due to it being potentially traumatizing, but who gives a shit if characters are in a fist fight and they bleed from their face or something?
What's the thought process?

Just to appease pearl-clutching parents.
Most censorship doesn't make sense in general. You can have literal gore and tons sexual references in comics, but still have to censor the word fuck.

weird blood means non-human which makes it okay. it's like how if you have a shapeshifting villain its almost never okay to kill them until they turn into something not human.

>Character dying a violent death
>Sexualised female character wearing clothes that show a lot of skin
Noooooooo, project the children's eyes, they can't see this!

I thought that was just for style, or impying something other than oxygen was combusting because aliens

Which is actually sensible.

To be fair, if done correctly that can still keep the stakes high.

The ‘Shadow Realm’ was one of the slickest censors 4kids ever did, it kept the stakes high and it was memorable.

Blood colors

It was done in shadow but Mao Mao cut a dragon in half. They even joke that the wimpy valley residents are horrified by the sight.

It's more removed from reality so it's not considered as sensitive a subject. It's the same reason laser guns are okay, but guns that shoot bullets aren't.

human blood is for pg-13 and up. Goofy green alien blood and robot oil is a-okay. A lesson as old as time, or at least as far back as Samurai Jack.