Say what you will about Gravity Falls

But at least they didn't go "SUPRISE SHE'S BISEXUAL" at the last moment for brownie points

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What a low fucking bar.



Only because they weren’t able to
Hirsch said she would be if they were able to

Technically Alex did do that with Wendy on twitter.

>inb4 Gravity Falls Future series where Wendy has a female partner

What is with male protagonists crushing on bisexual chicks? First Finn now this.

made for corruption

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It was the beginning of the end, no shit things got worse

They say art imitates life

The cops at the end.

I mean they kinda did do that with the cops

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It's not an exaggeration to say that normal sexuality from the males perspective is demonized in the media. No one really stops to really think how fucked up it is that "progressed" think women appealing to me, is morally wrong

When Gravity Falls ended? 2015 or even earlier?

Those were different times. Now Wendy, after experiencing so many boyfriends would be bi at best and turbodyke with a sidecut at worst.

>at the last minute
Are you referring to any recent example? Because lately, I think most cartoons are doing “surprise, she’s bisexual!” Much earlier, within the first two seasons now, instead of the last couple episodes.

She has actually transgender girl from she's a boy.

show ended in 2016, though the whole show itself takes place within the summer of 2012

Twitter said she was gay

Hirsch would have done that with Wendy if Disney had allowed it, and the two cops were meant to be gay.

Glen Glenn bash dipper big stupid head in and breed his sister

Glen Glenn make soos his maid slave and wendy his cute wife

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bisexuals are the master race