What will happen if Magic Children Doing Things turns out to be a hit for Disney Channel...

What will happen if Magic Children Doing Things turns out to be a hit for Disney Channel, making it ANOTHER cartoon that Nickelodeon passed on that became a hit for their competitors, like Adventure Time, Phineas and Ferb, and Ed Edd n Eddy?

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Nick didn't really "pass" on Ed Edd n Eddy, CN just outbid them

Is this getting a show? Remember watching the pilot ages ago.

Monica Ray is a Greenblatt alumni, i wonder how they will feel knowing that a person which they forced to writte an apology and didn't told him about burning off his show on NickToons is leading the lineup of animation of their main rival network

Specially with Disney's huge marketing of their Disney Channel animated shows on billboards and malls.

Attached: IMG_8239.jpg (4032x3024, 2.2M)

>another show with a female magical lead

This is a fake show right?
They didn't really name it that, surely.

Attached: istockphoto-1289000613-612x612.jpg (612x408, 19.51K)

>Not delicious brown cunny
Shit/10 won't watch

god ive only seen that blodne kid for 1 minutes and i alraady wanna fuck him? her? i dont knwo what its gender is but good god i wanna put my dick all the way in their pussy



Didn't know disney picked this up I remember watching the pilot years ago

What other Nickelodeon pilots would you like to see as Disney shows?

These are my picks








>What will happen if Magic Children Doing Things turns out to be a hit for Disney Channel, making it ANOTHER cartoon that Nickelodeon passed on that became a hit for their competitors, like Adventure Time, Phineas and Ferb, and Ed Edd n Eddy?
Two things:
1) We'll laugh for a bit, but nobody at Nick will learn anything, admit fault, or change their practices. No one will be punished.
2) Deer porn. Lots of it.

"Magical Realism" is the genre name you're looking for.

Didn't the lose The Spiderwick Chronicles IP to Disney to? beacuse LMAO it will be hilarious if they keep getting slapped on the face by them

>1) We'll laugh for a bit, but nobody at Nick will learn anything, admit fault, or change their practices. No one will be punished.

I still wonder why Daron Nefcy inked a overall development deal with Nickelodeon when her first show was massive sucess.

Attached: Nickelodeon Rejects.jpg (3840x2161, 1.95M)

Isn't the lead the blond boy?

The lead is Cyppy (the blue one) voiced by Ray however the show seems to aim to have the three as the mcs like Harvey Beaks did

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>It's real
>Created by
Women are the worst thing to happen to animation, ever.

I wanna fuck that blue goblin girl

I really loved the pilot. The humor was kinda dark for Disney, don't know if they could do it well but it would be nice to see more.

>The humor was kinda dark for Disney

But Amphibia came with more dark humor so there are ok with that