Why do people in the Marvel universe keep living in New York even though it is destroyed every couple of months?

Why do people in the Marvel universe keep living in New York even though it is destroyed every couple of months?

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Bitch, I don't even understand why people keep living in New York in our world. Seems like Hell to me.

Because different people live in different realities depending on which comic book they're currently in, so if you're in the average superhero comic, it's a bright sunny place where even petty crimes are instantly foiled by superheroes.

A better question is how they are able to rebuild it a dozen times per a decade and who the fuck is still investing on it

Damage Control does amazing work user

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Because they don't want to live in Detroit.

a. It's a major trade hub and it's importance as such and accompanying job market is always going to outweigh relatively minor inconveniences like supercrime.

b. Anywhere else they go is just going to shift the burden of resources and become a new target assuming it doesn't already have it's own superbeing problems, which
many major cities probably already do.

But who is paying them? Building New York would cost a few trillions.

Allegedly it actually had jobs and it was an affordable place to live there in a time long past to us. Fuck if I know why people would move there now though unless they like burning money and getting screamed at by homeless junkies.

I wonder if the rent is cheaper because of this.

Only New York and LA have a superheros/villains.
You never hear about Jacksonville have a superhero problem in the marvel universe.

You know each Marvel superhero having their own separate rogue gallery makes no sense if they all live in the same city, Dr Octopus should be most of the time fighting other superheroes other than Spider-Man

That's how it worked in the early years. People would just fight whoever was causing 'em trouble. Sandman doubled as a Fantastic Four villain for over 20 years.

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Why do people live in real life NYC despite the high crime rate, high tax rate, high living costs, and general shitty atmosphere?

White Rabbit attacked South Bend once.

So just like real life eh

>relatively minor inconveniences like supercrime.
Admittedly technically a superhero did this, not a supercriminal. Because he couldn't be assed to redo a parking job to boot.

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A better question would be, why don't they tackle the real problem makig NY a shit hole? A certain melanin enriched population

The Starks?

A certain population that attacks Asians

Yeah, Rhino fought the Hulk on and off for a couple years too


>A certain population that attacks Asians
I fucking said the Starks. God damn.

If anything rent would be even more expensive from the number of people moving in with hopes of being able to catch a glimpse of one of the heroes.

Or landlords would jack up the prices because, "This is where so-so lived" or "X got thrown through this building!"