
That just raises further questions

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Too weird? Being back Dark Tower x Harry Potter vibe.

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Wait the Court has been colonizing the Feywilds this whole time?


Wow, years of questions, answered over coffee and tea. I'm pretty sure this is SO retarded that it rolls over into being genius.

I can't believe lesbian harry potter was actually star treck the whole time

I was too wrapped up in how stupid it is that the Court is literally in space because magic that I didn't fully comprehend that this momentous reveal is happening through exposition

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I'm guessing the 'border' where the river and forest were, is the point the Court makes contact with Earth.

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Like how does one come and go?


Not, the creatures are attracted to it, they aren't native to it.
It's probably more like the outlands, with the court being Sigil.

Wow isn't it cool that they went on a crazy adventure and discovered the true nature of the court for themselves, wouldn't it be anticlimactic if a fat guy told them over a beer

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No one notice or talked about it because of reasons.


If Annie on the next page goes
"oh, i've been wondering why i had to take a boat to get here from birmingham"
i'm gonna have an aneurism.

On the other hand, Annie IS pretty stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if she's so bad at knowing the geography of her home country that she would think that makes sense.

Officially done with this comic, this is beyond boring.

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every update you try so hard to be outraged, it's just pathetic at this point.

>p.p.p.pplease subcribe

For once I guessed something in this comic entirely correctly years ago. Well, it wasn't that hard I suppose.

I'm still curious as to where Gillitie actually resides, if no outsiders ever stumble into the forest and discover fairytale creatures are real.
Oh, and how the Annan river worked.

What the heck are you doing Tom. Are you saving effort for your next series or what??

The forest is part of the court-island in the star ocean. Duh.

But the forest was there before the Court.

Why does this feel and look so much better than this ???

The court is on the forest-island then, whatever, and no it wasn't. This is described as a technology, not a natural occurence, so I'd assume it was created by the founders, so whether or not the buildings were there, it was still the court.

try? it comes naturally