Why was she criticized and singled out for the "villain has reasonable motives but goes too far to achieve it" trope...

Why was she criticized and singled out for the "villain has reasonable motives but goes too far to achieve it" trope when Marvel also did it with Killmonger but everyone praised his character?

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Killing politicians and billionaires is bad.

I still think she looks kinda cute but alas I've forgotten that show outside of Bucky and Sam being like "bro there's no way the US government will let a black man be Captain America!" because Trump was in office even though the US gov when Obama was in office was calling Rhodey's black ass "Iron Patriot" in a star spangled Iron Man suit (that he stole funnily enough)

Killimonger wants to eradicate White people so obviously people will praise that since in the western world Whites are the only group its socially acceptable, and encouraged, to hate.

She needed a strong male role model.
Sam tried to be that for it but it was too late.

The rewrites to the story because of Covid meant she didn't have reasonable motives anymore. Originally she was meant to be stealing and distributing vaccines that were being hoarded during a global pandemic. The people pretending Killmonger had reasonable motives are the kind of people who want a global race war so long as their side gets to win.

Never forget how Alex Jones was talking about how they were going to unleash a global pandemic back on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show years ago.

Never forget how Alex Jones' own laywer threw him under the bus, leading to this expression

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Her villain name should be the Anagram

She was a villain? I was suppose to be rooting for the government lapdogs?

Because you weren't allowed to criticize Black Panther.

First time I got really acquainted with him was in Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
I do not hate T'Challa. I like him (at least in EMH), I do hate the fanbase that sprang up for him in lead up and post Black Panther the movie

Attached: BlackPantherEMH.jpg (1600x900, 148.41K)

This freakish cunt made the show unwatchable.

Killmonger was entertaining

How? He just made speeches about how they had to conquer white people.

Post pictures of her feet

it was entertaining

You weren't supposed to be rooting for terrorists to kill innocent civilians, user.

I have little understanding of Alex's trial, but I'm getting lynch mob vibes from it. Less of accountability, and more of brutalizing his character.

Only retards liked Killmonger.

He was always a shit villain that only got praise because he was a black that wanted to kill all White People, something Jews, Leftists, and blacks want.




They didn't start off willingly murdering civvies, I feel like that was forced because otherwise people would be rightfully sympathetic. All they wanted was to live in peace without the UN trying to resettle "displaced" people into their homeland

Killmonger's plan made a lot more sense.
He saw huge flaws in how Wankanda's political and social structure works and realized he could just waltz right in. He got pretty close to succeeding too.

I don't even understand what this bitch thought she would accomplish.

Think OP is referring more to his plan to just start shipping high tech weapons to like, the oppressed people of the world to generally start race wars everywhere? The specifics were unclear beyond that.