Is Laura a good Wolverine ?

Is Laura a good Wolverine ?

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I thought the whole point was that she DIDN'T need to be like Logan. Her just calling herself Wolverine kind of defeats the purpose of that. But it's branding so of course the narrative has to suffer

Nerds on the internet live rent-free in comic writers' heads.

Of course, don't you see even Doctor Strange said it

Yes, because she's a woman, and women are automatically better than stupid, smelly boys.

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She's the best (there is at what she does)

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This but unironically.

Did she ever fight an original villain that she could call her own?


>I thought the whole point was that she DIDN'T need to be like Logan. Her just calling herself Wolverine kind of defeats the purpose of that.



She doesn't have the stupid amounts of baggage Logan does, so she's the best Wolverine, and that's all that matters.

Hey, remember that time Logan got drunk on his birthday, got in a barfight, and in a blind rage tried to murder Spider-Man, and then Peter had to tell him he knew he wouldn't have done it even though his spider-sense went off? Or that time he murdered an innocent SHIELD medtech cause he woke up confused in a hospital bed? Or that time he fucked Cyclops and Jean Grey?

>Or that time he fucked Cyclops and Jean Grey?
That makes him based though

Taylor literally killed her, to get rid of Laura's history as X-23

Sorry, meant when she took the Wolverine title.

why would regular 616 humans give a shit what any of the mutants did?

Kimura is still the answer. Aside from her, Alchemax fucked with her a couple of times

What a pathetic panel.

kimura always kicked her ass.

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>executive: she has to be girl wolverine
>writer: okay but she's not gonna like it
I wonder whose fault it is the narrative is suffering.
It really is sad.
>She doesn't have the stupid amounts of baggage Logan does
Imagine if all comic book characters didn't have baggage.

>coombait replaces beast with a heart of gold
ishiggydiggy, bub