This is getting sad

This is getting sad

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>nooo an author can't just tell people to finish watching his shooooow

>I want my show to do well
>I hope people watch and enjoy it
Fucking cringe, does he hear himself?



Agreed, why does Netflix continually refuse to do any real marketing for anything other than Stranger Things? It's sad seeing that be exported as yet another corner cut making sure no show does as well as it could.

>people saw the first episode and dipped out
LMAO, can't make this shit up. Should've heeded your own advice gay man!

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>and enjoy it
He didn't say that. He just wants eyeballs.

they have way too much faith in their algorithm, they believe that it’s more effective to push people in the direction of what they think you *should* be watching rather than going out of their way to make you aware of it via means outside the platform. The problem with that though being that most people scroll right past anything they don’t recognize without giving it more than a single glance

>sees nigger in first episode
oofh, i think i left my stove on

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Is he only living off Netflix checks now?

It came out? news to me.

media has gortten so shit that i can't tell if it's real or not anymore

Probably waiting for an adaptation of The Graveyard Book

Reap what you sow gay cuckman.

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I just find it sad that begging on Twitter is now part of these people's jobs

>yellow trenchcoat
What if Batman is wearing yellow trunks?

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he literally shoved the Hob story into season 1 because he knew he might not get more seasons to tell it.

kino move though, episode 6 is the best episode of anything Netflix has produced

He didn’t write the show lol he just shills it

please tell me people are spamming that as a reply to him

>one of the most respected writers
>his most sought after adaptation ever
>still just a subject to the almighty algorithm
Feels bad

Racist but I wonder how many people noped out right when Death showed up.

Replace the perky goth archetype with a random black chick in a t-shirt seems so beyond wrong headed.

Well Baptiste was still perky, it was just hard to get across with her accent

How many Sandman fans do you think there were before the show? Even if every one of them watched it loyally, the numbers would still be paltry without the normalfag audience