ITT: Name changes that didn't last

Remember when Carol Danvers went by Warbird? Binary and later Captain Marvel at least made sense, but why didn't they just have her be Ms. Marvel again since she was wearing the Ms. Marvel outfit and had her regular powers back?

Attached: Warbird.jpg (989x1500, 1.66M)

I think it was seen as sounding dated and very 70s at the time. There was a scene of her trying to choose a new name, IIRC a lot of them were fan-suggested names, but I don't know why they thought Warbird was a good idea.

This thread is probably just going to be Carol and Monica's old names.

Remember when Bendis made Tim's superhero name Drake lmao

That's stupid, but I suppose it was less worse than being known as The Gay Robin.

In Monica's case, it's kind of funny how she had the Captain Marvel name taken by Genis (which is fair enough, he was the original's son and Monica had no connection to his legacy), then she started going by Photon, only for Genis to steal that name too for some fucking reason. Since then Monica has been stuck with Spectrum. Hopefully MCU synergy will bring the Photon name back since it's better.

I don't think the names lasted beyond this one shot

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this sounds like the most fucking 90s names.

>Humanity would totally freak out if they knew a race of super-powered immortals has been living among them all along
Wait what? Didn't the Eternals reveal their existence to the world back in the original 70s run? And nobody really gave a fuck because Jack Kirby isn't actually that good of a writer and was clearly just making it up as he went along?

Jack's original run wasn't canon at first. When it was made canon they pretty just down played it to make it seem like no one had ever herd of them. Even though they introduced themselves to humanity and they the whole celestial judgement thing going on.

For some reason none of Kitty Pryde's codenames have ever stuck. Ariel, Sprite and Shadowcat are all decent codenames, but writers just default to her being just Kitty (now Kate).

In the 90s and early 00s DC was pushing for Arthur's atlantean name Orin.

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Transformers has a lot of these caused by trademark and cross-promotional synergy issues. There were no Bumblebee toys on the shelves anymore, but the comics instead of retiring the Bumblebee character change his name and appearance to Goldbug, which did have a toy on the shelves, with the in-univese excuse that they rebult him. But later Bumblebee did get a new toy on the shelves as part of the Pretenders line, so Goldbug became Bumblebee once more, with the in-universe excuse that Ratchet rebuilt him again and had a personal preference for his original form but didn't bother getting consent first.

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Yes, Kirby hardly left any mark on the Marvel universe at all.

Changing a character's name for no reason is cringe man

Or how Megatron keeps being changed to Galvatron only to go back to Megatron because it sells more toys.

How has nobody brought up Hank Pym aka Ant-Man aka Giant-Man aka Goliath aka Yellowjacket aka Wasp aka Ultron?

just like Black Bolt, they got longer "real names". However Medusalith and Crystalia aren't as weird as Blackagar so they pretty much never come up. I don't think I have seen either outside a handbook.

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We should be in the Renaissance of lesbian comics right now. What happened?

I think during one of these events Secret Invasion/War of Kings/Realm of Kings said their names

Aren't they sisters?

Then that cover's pretty awkward

Pym basically made that into his thing kek