Cartoon Network warned Discovery not to remove their shows but they did it anyway

>Cartoon Network warned Discovery not to remove their shows but they did it anyway

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oh no. anyway.

Good for them.

Zaslab is cancer and this is a good chance as any to boycott WBD shit forever.


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>>Cartoon Network warned Discovery
This is like an 8 year old warning his dad not to come into his room.

> Actually siding with the real cancer
lol..lmao even

>I don’t believe you should pirate something just because you don’t have money. That’s essentially saying “Yes, you artist, you made something and now I get to have it for free. You don’t get to be paid, you don’t get to have your health insurance, all because I wanna see something you worked for years on for free this evening while I eat a frozen pizza.” That’s very selfish and I would consider that to be theft of labor.
erm, yikes?

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>not supporting JSA kino
actual retard

>JSA kino
>with two members of the JSA being BLACKED

I don't get it. It's not like all these cartoons are permanently deleted or something. They will just be licensed to other networks and show up there eventually, why is this an issue at all?

Yeah! Like this.

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The trailer made it look like his backstory was nearly unrelated to what made him what he was in JSA.

>/co is completely willing to suck corporations' cocks if it means that shows they dislike get mistreated
ngmi all of you


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this isn't nearly a big enough story to get any kind of mainstream boycott movement, /maybe/ something will come out of the sesame street thing. The more obvious outcome is that WBD is effectively going to be snubbed by most of the animation industry who are understandably not gonna be interested in signing on for any projects that can just be pulled without a moment's notice.

I still don't know why they are pulling the shows out at all?
Makes no sense to me.

desperately trying to save money (not make money) + shitting all over previous regime to prove you're better.

The thing is that Batgirl did the job for them, normies are thinking that the service that will replace HBO Max will be a overpriced Discovery+ so I don't see a lot of people paying the service in the future, a lot of people watch reality shows but just a few exclusively pay for them

Is server space really that costly? Maybe they should pull out of the streaming business entirely then.

server space isn't costly. bandwidth is, very much so

Yeah, this show is one of the few ones I felt sorry for since I didnt know the creator was an asshole but just like that he erased all sympathy I could have for him. Fuck him and I hope he never works on any creative media again.