Osmosis jones vs Cells at work

Which is the better human body cartoon?

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>no live action segments, better love interest, inside a preteen boy instead of a 40 years old widow, jokes are funny, Phil LaMarr instead of Chris Rock, better duo chemistry
Ozzie & Drix >>> Osmosis Jones.


>Which is the better human body cartoon?
Once Upon A Time...Life

Fourth post best post. is it wrong that I learned biology from this show?

It taught me more about the human body that elementary and highschool combined.

Osmosis Jones is about Body "Magic", because you know, White Cells and Antibiotics dont actually work like how they do in that movie. Cells at Work might be stylized and silly animation, but the cells that it focuses on actually work the way they actually do in the human body

Ok so Cells at Work vs Once Upon A Time...Life both follow actual biology.

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Not a single Jap voice actor can compare with Lawrence Fishburne and there is no debating this fact.

Cells at Work because Osmosis Jones was terrible


second because cute boy with glasses

OJ at least has a unique cell aesthetic instead of generic anime shit

Didn't Osmosis Jones have a white blood cell and cold pill fight off a deadly disease? And the guy was already in horrible health?

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yes. Not really sure how white blood cells were supposed to handle diseases in it, as while Drix had a arm cannon, we never really saw jones do much besides get in a fist fight and lose.

>Phil LaMarr instead of Chris Rock
Only one I disagree with.

It's a west/nippon hybrid too

I came here to say this.

Anime is shit at everything and couldn't even depict the body as an organic structure. 0/10 why even bother.
It's literally just a reskin of any other anime ever.
Yes. It's a cartoon, not an educational piece. It was also just a standard cop flick.
They had guns. Their introduction has them fighting disease.

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The white blood cells have guns that fire gastric acid. Yeah, as another user said it's not really supposed to be accurate to real life, it's supposed to be cool.

>cold pill
Drix was a placebo
You could make an argument that Thrax's defeat was a psychosomatic metaphor for Frank's stuggle to overcome his gluttony and poor self-care, but I'm looking way too deep into a movie that has Kid Rock in it

Osmosis jones, and I don't even like it, I just think is much more original and interesting than just another anime with antroporformazed humans and the execution also is soooo much better.

If you read a lot of manga you know cells at work is just another trivia manga and is all that it is (can't say about the anime, I don't watch anime), there is not a lot of depth and the author doens't try to do anything interesting with the idea other than just have some short premisses is something I think he read on a trivia book. Osmosis jones has all the live action scenes and how you threat your own body, it has some really dumb but interesting plot and some great villain with a incredible stupid origin story.

I think cells at work had more potential if done right but I also like that is incredible racist.

>white guy and brown girl
I think I'm gonna like this a lot, on top of the nice opening theme.