Here is the main villain. Build a cartoon around him

Here is the main villain. Build a cartoon around him.

Attached: C2A7400B-D3CD-4B9A-921B-06B82478879B.jpg (1024x1024, 107.26K)

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>the heroes are the audience torturing him inside his debtors prison because he owes so much money to them

I saw jermaball trending on Twitter and was disappointed it was just him playing baseball.

Real life evil villain

You don’t wanna know what happened to the other 984 jermas

I hate this meme and hate his fanbase and mods. I miss when they weren't so unbearable, because Jerma is still a funny guy but I had to stop watching.

his mods are nazis and he encourages them to be just that. it's a shame but i guess he feels like it has to be this way because of his rapid growth over the last few years. a lot of unfunny retards in one chatroom

Don't act like Any Forumstard and you won't get banned


Ice cream and a pit, right?

t. ranny

>every episode he captures a child and hides them in his crewmate play place
>the protagonists, among us girl & Stonetoss, must work together to defeat his henchmen Ssundee, Gametoons, and Arcade Craniacs
>along the way AMG and Stone grow together forming an unbreakable bond through their endless struggle
>jerma, eventually, holds an emergency meeting, to defeat the heros once and for all
>using their new friendship jerma accuses AMG & ST of being sus, resulting in the final episode of them trying to escape his grasp

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That's just Jim Carrey of the 2010s. And Jim Carrey already played Robotnik this year.

Batman already exists user.

Exactly what I'm talking about

If you're gonna act like a sperg then nobody will want to keep you around

Fuck off to Any Forums

>interacting with chat at all
>not watching the VODs

>If you're gonna act like a sperg then nobody will want to keep you around
Explains why you're alone.
Now go back to dilate on twitter.

Attached: WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS JESUS.jpg (680x620, 64.76K)

this guy looks FUCKED

Is Jerma actually worth checking out or is he just le funni sus meme man?

>Jerma thread has unfunny retard who thinks saying nigger is the pinnacle of humor

Like pottery

Yes, but I wouldnt bother with live videos or videos with his chat, for the most part it sucks.
Hes the only streamer I know of that does "special" non game streams, look up his dollhouse stream for an example of what I mean.

He's been hit or miss the last few years. If he's streaming alone its usually good. If he's teamed up with a smaller streamer like ster or etalix its usually good. If hes teamed up with a bigger streamer its usually dogshit, and thats been happening more and more lately. The big budget event streams are usually dumb with a few good bits peppered throughout.

the amount of effort he puts into his larger streams are pretty damn impressive - even if they are just one bit that goes on for way too long