Incel/femcel comics

incel/femcel comics

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remember anons, OP is trying to get you outraged. outrage sells, and he's doing it for free. if you get into a political argument, you've sold to him. every field.

I already hate women so OP isn't going to do anything to me.

Can a femcel make for a cute gf?

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They'll never love you.

women cannot be lonely

Why can't incels just accept the fact that not everyone gets to have sex? I'm never going be a millionaire and you don't see me bitching. Just take up another hobby and leave women alone.

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No, i dated one worst mistake of my life

>avatarfagging with a midget voiced by sarah silverman

Maybe if fucking normalfags stopped shaming me for not having sex I would

I'm waiting for the waifubots.

I'm gonna say it.

Femcels do exist. If being an incel is invalidated by virtue of being able to whore yourself out then men can't be incels because you could just bang a prostitute. It's about wanting a relationship but that being impossibly unobtainable.

>Femcels do exist

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what woman can't get a relationship unless she's like, deformed

Incels and femcels are ultimately just miserable, jaded people. They don't bring anything to a relationship and just exacerbate each other's worst qualities and habits.

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Apply this to the hypothetical femcel

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Literally who does that after the 10th grade? Don't tell me you getting bullied online, the internet isn't real life.

You can pay a woman enough money to have sex with you. Hell, you can pay a man enough money and he might even fuck a guy despite not being gay.

My nigga that's crazy

But uhhhh I don't remember asking