She-Hulk: Attorney At Law

Episode #1 - "A Normal Amount of Rage"

I liked it. What about you guys?

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I'm going to be memed into watching it based off all the threads..

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It's really good, and super funny. I couldn't stop lmaoing. You really gotta watch it guys.

its good at least so far.

What a good quirky show that's accurate to the comic books. I give it a 10 our of 10.

There wasn't enough there to build an episode around AND it was a speed-run of an origin story. Like, how can it be both? It somehow is.

I watched this with my mom, she was laughing the whole time.

I'll admit I enjoyed it but I don't look forward to her wearing a costume because I know they'll fuck it up. In fact I would be surprised if she even gets one
Yea the origin was rushed and kinda dumb. I knew they wouldn't use the drive by origin but I really wish they had. It's simple and effective

Haven't seen it but do they ever bring up why they can't just put Bruce's blood into other random people?

Jeff Fischer watched this and gave it a thumbs up, upside down.

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Bruce says the he and Jen have specific genetic whatever. Likely because they're related

>virgin versus chadette

What about abomination?

It was okay
I agree with this

Tatiana and Jameela are smoldering. I guess I'm old if I'm attracted to them.

Is Tim Roth in ep1? I'll watch it for Tim Roth.

I was on the edge of my seat and laughing out loud! This show literally made me roll on the floor laughing; no joke. Marvel does it again with it's message about the evil of capitalism and systemic racism against the jews and blacks

the whole episode was just about women being superior than men

Incels just be mad. It was funny.

No, it's just Hulk and Mary Sue Hulk.

The origin was really rushed and pretty stupid, apparently all the Hulk training was supposed to be a flashback in episode 8 but they stuck it in the first one because they were worried people would be confused. The sexism scenes are stuff that would seem old hat in the 90s, definitely feels like they're just doing them out of obligation. Professor Hulk is lame, you can tell Ruffalo is just phoning it in at this point, Maslany is likable enough but the CGI on her Hulk form is pretty bad. The Hulk fight was ok but the courtroom fight was terrible, definitely feels like it was cut down because they couldn't afford the CGI, pic related. Disney has a palpable contempt for their audience.

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