Pleasant Surprises from small studios

Pleasant Surprises from small studios

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Were they trying to push those pigs as that movie's minions or what?

Now if TAT could produce more films like this and Pil's Adventures instead of more talking animal films, I'd be very happy.

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I wouldn't mind being scared by her if you know what I'm sayin

I am still waiting for a 4 santuary city movie

can aussies make something that isn't about their fucking animals?

Their animals overrun their country so you can't blame them.

How about we time travel? There once was a time, long ago, when they were a barely known, small studio.

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She is really cute... any good fan art?

They make good movies and cute little girls

All I can think of is the combat arena level from Ratchet and Clank Crack in Time.

combat wombat, back to the outback

Those look more like tribal characters inhabiting whatever old world they are in

Have to disagree with this one. Visually, it's pretty damn good and I do like the choppy, Spiderverse movement aesthetic they went with. But the story was bad, it was a worse version of A Bug's Life and ran for like, 30 minutes too long. A shame really, but Switch was cool though

Attached: seal_team_switch_2_by_giuseppedirosso_dexq0xk-pre.jpg (1373x582, 62.16K)

Related to Astro boy?


plagerism the poster

I like it

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Imagine the smell