ITT: The worst Any Forums adaptations

ITT: The worst Any Forums adaptations

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If it doesn't have one single race changed character than its not even in top 5.

HBO Watchmen

actually alright
better than i expected
what a fucking spatty cunt and awful casting choice, i like nega as an actor but what the fuck

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ZSJL was fine, maybe im only saying that because i have nick cave playing right now

I actually like the Boys show (for the most part) but this was such a painful downgrade on almost all fronts. The worst part was that first season that has bits and pieces of comic arcs from all over the place.

nick cave does improve everything desu

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3 of the best capeshit flicks, far and away
ZSJL felt like an actual event comic, like Final Crisis

speaking of music mastodon was fucking robbed for this soundtrack. and neveldene/taylor specifically asked them to deliver a soundtrack that perfectly synced up with the whole film but it got fucked up through producers.

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I wanted to say Catwoman, but that doesn't even count, does it? The "adaptation" there starts and ends with the title.

Lucifer, then. It's actually barely an adaptation too, but it at least took a couple of things from the comics. More importantly, it lasted a while and has some pop culture presence, which can't be said for a lot of these pieces of shit.

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look at how they massacred my boy

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the new reboot of Black Books looks fine what are you on about

Surprisingly, it's pretty good. The only real problem is being subjugated to be produced in a thin budget, thus having some basic visuals.

>ZSJL felt like an actual event comic, bad.

Arrow is really bad. The other Arrowverse shows aren't perfect but they at least tried to be adaptations and don't feel ashamed to be superhero shows especially the first seasons of The Flash and Supergirl. Legends isn't trying to be a adaptation but it was still good as long as you didn't take it serious in the later seasons. With Arrow it wasn't like that. It felt ashamed to be a superhero show and it felt more like a Batman show. The other Arrowverse shows were very different from the comics but they still felt like the way they are in the comics a little. With Arrow, Green Arrow didn't feel like Green Arrow at all. Arrow was the first show in the universe but it was also the worst show in the universe.

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Except Lucifer isn't bad. The cast has enough charisma to do a police procedural. It's a perfect watch with your girlfriend show.

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I don't have any reason to believe it's bad for what it is, but it's a piss-poor adaptation that has little-to-nothing to do with the source material. It might well be an excellent police drama, but it should never have been licensed or called Lucifer.

Doesn't qualify for bad though, since even at it's worst will-they-won't-they, it's still good. Being a good adaptation is more than just recreating the pages.
Otherwise the answer is everything that's not Sin City.