
How many of you are excited for militarized Caitlyn sniping Zaunite scum in season 2 of Arcane? It's time she helps Jayce go Jin-Roh on them with Noxus. I hope the French give Caitlyn her special ops outfit when it happens.

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why are her tits so w i d e

>t. Vi's being thirsty again

That's just the special bullet proof vest designed by Jayce.

also why does it have a womb tattoo

Calm down Jaycefag.

>wanting to see more fleshy meatbags
the time of man has come to an end

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It's a requirement for all female enforcers during special operations.

I look forward to him.

>Blitzy, Orianna, and full robot Viktor starting a robot revolution

I'd buy that for a dollar.

I don't think Orianna will be part of any revolution. I honestly see her conflict coming from Singed and Viktor since she likely isn't going to respond well to becoming a robot.

the time of the enemy botlane having fun has come to an end

Is this that show about the lesbians who have to learn to be lesbians and survive in a lesbian world filled with other lesbians who don't want them to lesbian?

No that's Steven Universe.

>Is this that show about the lesbians
the only on-screen romance is between jayce and mel
the main character, vi, is more concerned with finding her sister and the deterioration of zaun due to shimmer in that order than bedding cait
>who have to learn to be lesbians and survive in a lesbian world filled with other lesbians who don't want them to lesbian?
none of them need "to learn" since its already an established and accepted part of the world
the disapproval comes from associating with filthy zaunites more than anything

and as stated, everyone has bigger fish to fry, like drugs, civil war, and external threats like noxus

I don't know, if I got turned into a robot I'd probably want to punch things for a while. Also, some people are theorizing that she's dead and they use the magic D20 to put her soul in a robot body. Might be looking at a pissed off Billy Mahoney kind of situation.

imagine everyones reaction when satan shows up

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Some bulletproof vest if the armor isn't even covering your stomach.

modern trauma plates only cover the upper body for weight reasons

your gut isnt covered because of the way the torso bends, limiting the coverage of hard plates
but it goes without saying that covering half your torso is better than nothing, and a hit to the upper chest is way more lethal than a shot to a lower chest

Nice womb tattoo

This. Besides all you have in the lower half is your intestines. The more vital organs are inside the ribcage.