This is the future that Public Domain will create

>less people are going to create creative stories and will use a rehash of public domain stories
>edgy and trash films will be popular because it's going to be cheap and use "shocking marketing"
>real creative projects will be cut in networks because it be more cheaper and more merchandisable if it was an original show
Congrats Public Domain supporters, you didn't predict these thoughts didn't you? You just wanted to own "LE EVIL COMPANIES" but don't realize that this is going to lead to a massive cannibalization of IPs which lead to some weird dystopian shithole of meaningless media, is this the future you want?

Attached: 1655928336475.jpg (660x354, 81.8K)

Other urls found in this thread: public domain/

Just don't watch it

Ehhhh, anyone feel like taking the bait tonight, or should we just let it hit page 10?

Attached: low.jpg (200x200, 7.76K)

>"this single example justifies my entire argument"
But what if the movie ends up being good?

Cool, people already do whatever they want anyways even with copyright laws in place because of fan art so who cares, none of this shit is real and it doesn't matter lol.

This again?

>meaningless media
All media?

As long as there are people to take the bait, OP will live.

I'm willing to bet that OP isn't even here anymore. He just made the thread and left it to fester overnight so he can read it in the morning.

>Congrats Public Domain supporters, you didn't predict these thoughts didn't you?
I did, and I'm very happy with it.

>is this the future you want?
Yes. Keep seething OP

Attached: static-assets-upload6178944479988321688.jpg (680x763, 33.41K)

Thanks Disney shill.

As if companies didn't do the same all the time.

Exhibit A: the Star Wars sequels

>oh no people will abuse public domain like they always have
>this is le bad
>what's that corpo daddy? Your dick doesn't feel clean? My bad..

Seethe, mouse

Imagine if one guy owned Greek mythology,
Actually Greek mythology wouldn’t even exist as we know it because it was and still is a continuous collaborative endeavour that belongs to everyone public domain/

good bait mouse
Clear case. At this point they are making stuff that's pretty much fanfiction but with the lucasfilm brand.

You probably support dall-e so we are even.

Exhibit B: the Abrams/Kurtzman era Trek

Exhibit C: Spider-Man: One More Day and onwards

Exhibit D: Most Bendis comics since Avengers Disassembled

Exhibit E: Didio-era DC

Exhibit F: Post-Didio-era DC

If companies really, really gave a shit about getting people to consooom and not want stuff to fall into public domain, they should be taking a good long look at what drove away customers and drove down interest, instead of sending shills out to cry about the Pooh movie or some shit

OP is a chick! or tranny public domain/

>You just wanted to own "LE EVIL COMPANIES" but don't realize that this is going to lead to a massive cannibalization of IPs which lead to some weird dystopian shithole of meaningless media, is this the future you want?

pic related

Attached: yes.jpg (1172x659, 56.48K)