Questionable Content


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Is he literally writing the main character out of the comic?

I hope Claire dumps him for two robots and a can opener as soon as they get there

So I guess they're both getting written out of the comic so Jeff can spend more time on wacky robots?

I think the comic is getting written out of them so he can focus EXCLUSIVELY on wacky robots, with these two as a grounding point

ohhhhhhh wait a minute is Questionable Content the comic about the tranny who says "this is me" and shows his penis?

>pair main character up with a troon
>severely decrease his screen time for awful robots
>ship him to Canada

Name a worse fate.

Remind me why Claire getting a library job is more important than Marten's library job? The job that he's secured through nepotistic blackmail and apparently pays well enough for an apartment that's housing three people and two AI, none of the rest of whom make consistent money? I realize Marten is a "go with the flow" dude and that he's fallen for the rope-a-dope following a girl across the country before, but he really can't keep doing this shit.

If Marten and Clair get written out, Jeph will put them in another comic to run alongside Questionable Content.

god, I hadn't considered the spinoff comic angle. Would he even do daily updates for both at that point?

Are you kidding, Mr. Lazy-Ass do more than one comic? Hell no, he couldn't keep Alice Grove going, and the only other comic he attempted only had three pages before he gave up.

Wow it’s a good thing Martin’s not leaving a job behind that suits him, well at least he’s got a great degree and should be able to find work easy and not be reliant on Claire. I mean that would be prioritizing his needs to say what about his job, can’t have that. Great Job Dora you’re screwing Martin over again for why the third time now?

He only kept the job because he needed the money and it somehow requires barely any actual work, outside of forcing the horny homeless/students/board members out of the reading rooms and light reshelving
if anything, hopefully it'll force him to put up or shut up about his band

>the only other comic he attempted only had three pages before he gave up.
you mean dort? the one that was the same image over and over and only needed updated dialog boxes? and he couldn't even be assed to do that?

christ, I forgot that one. No, this and two other panels showed up on his Patreon

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>Yeah, my needs don't matter. It's all about you
Well, I guess he stayed true to being a doormat until the very end

This might really fuck up Faye.

>Alice Grove.
God, what a beautiful mess that was.

(STEP 1) Tell your Patreon supporters that if they reach a new goal you will work on a scifi comic you have been dreaming about for a long time.
(STEP 2) Meet the goal.
(STEP 3) Proceed to publicize one of the most unimaginative and derivative scifi adventures I have ever seen committed to a comic page. Like I have read Isekai with more originality.
(STEP 4) Rush finishing the comic with like 2 or 3 Deus Ex Machinas.
(STEP 5) Pretend everything went according to plan and just keep getting paid for your usual trite soap opera, but with more robots as your innocuous safe generic minority stand-in.

I forget if I asked this before, but:

Would Pintsize move with Marten, or would he stay in Massachusetts?

Oh good, they're writing the boring characters out of the comic. Hopefully this means more sexy robots in yoga pants.

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Jeph's been ripping off Azumanga Daioh since 2009 he's not a very original guy.