
>The guy who spams Sonic threads talking about how people aren't taking the games seriously enough and using a struwwelpeter image.
>Official Win-O'-Thread Spammer
>Morning What’s For Breakfast poster
>I hate smiling Friends
>The Hazbin hotel faggot who makes three threads at a time about his deviant art OCs
>The cabal of Any Forumsfags
>That guy who keeps spamming the "how im am suppossed to do that?" copypasta
>"Zoomers be like" poster.
> That guy who schizoed about Persona Joker in Death Battles threads
>Horse Scat Spammer
>now Ed Edd N' Eddy Fag
Do comics and cartoons make you schizo?

Attached: 400.jpg (534x399, 185.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, it's all just the same schizo with neet bux and an axe to grind against people he's never even met.

forgetting someone?

I'm not schizo, I have bipolar disorder, different things

Attached: whahuh.png (790x778, 857.67K)

how about the anti superman fag? literally the same shit everytime.

It's W.I.T.C.H.friend. Not a fag, and each character's initial has a period after it.

We need user IDs.

Unironically whey don't mods fucking ban them? On every other boards schizos last a couple months at most before getting banned, some of these faggots have been going for over a decade.

All me

I'm usually only on the Brianne and Leslie threads now and again, now yes I was MORE annoying during my earlier time on here, remember the Akubi shit.

I hate how many of these people I am aware of. Also you forgot the Sashanne spammer, Tootiefag, and the people who tried to make this character a thing.

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I drew so much free art for this board and this is all I get in return...
All this hate just because I wanted to talk about an unpopular show

Attached: 1087.jpg (843x629, 333.38K)

Anonymity is a mistake. I'm glad it's disappearing off the Internet.

>All this hate just because I wanted to talk about an unpopular show
I know, the fuckfaces here literally call you a "fag" if you dare to point out how great an unpopular show actually is.
t. W.I.T.C.H.friend

I serriously don't get why people get me confused wit yous, only Kevin Spencer art I've drawn was of Anastasia as a cat girl, and an unfinished one I haven't been fucked to finish.

Oh and the Percy cameos in my Brianne and Leslie art.

Attached: Catgirl reality.png (3255x1909, 760.2K)

I never see your posts but WITCH really is a good show. Wouldnt want to be called a fag if I started talking about how good Code Lyoko was or something


Witch sucks

Tommy and the Lola Caricola oldfag.
It's Industrycuck btw, not Industryfag.

Then they go on about how they're a fucking expert on how to properly make threads about obscure shows to make people watch them even though they never can name one single example
And then they're surprised why we have the same threads everyday
really makes you think
Thanks for completely dropping Kevin Spencer, I knew from the start you never really cared

How many of these guys do you think are the same person?

OP is probably at least one of them

Code Lyoko is extremely popular here, so popular it's the typical example of "French animation" - all simply because it happened to air on CN where it crystallized itself in American anons' nostalgia.
W.I.T.C.H. is infinitely better, but aired on an extremely unpopular channel so it's assumed to be bad by association, and don't you dare suggest otherwise.

The "Ferris lived on a funky farm" guy and the "Could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?" poster.

that's what happens when you consume children's media at the age avobe of 18

>Stopped drawing Kevin Spencer fanart "OMG GUYS HE STOPPED CARING"
Bruh I binged the entire series twice, so fuck off with that shit.

Attached: Some good s.png (831x643, 381.12K)

Wakfu is the typical example of "French animation" here you fucking obsessed newfag.

>Nigga how am I supposed to know that?
>what is this supposed to be
>How am I supposed to do that, I can't draw and I'm not a YouTube influencer
> how the hell am I supposed to read this? Where do I ever start
god i fucking hate this annoying supposedfag

I have a soft spot for this legit schizo.

Attached: Guy_the_highschool dropout.png (1364x149, 40.56K)

He dropped out?

Explains a lot lmao.

then why do you never make a thread?

Wait, Brendan Corris lurks on Any Forums?

because they get 404'd instantly, also pricks like to spam gross shit which also gets it 404'd.
And the fact that they never really stay up for long.

But I'll see people in the Star VS threads from time to time.

Attached: Kevstar.png (820x918, 1.02M)
