Could the Smiling Friends help the Eltingville club

Could the Smiling Friends help the Eltingville club

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By accident.
And then they would be at each other's throats again like minutes after they leave.

Only if Bill ends up dead. Then there's hope for the other 3.

the only way to help them is by rape correction

fujos get out

I'm pretty sure they consist of 70% of the fans of this series at this point, now

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Jerry could easily be helped out. The rest is debatble. Bill is obviously just Fucked so he's a no, Josh is probably fucked as well and Pete maybe has a chance

How would Pim and Charlie react

Yeah they pretty much kill this comic fandom.

would hank be able to put them on their place?

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A likely scenario is that they steal Bobby's comic merch at a comic convention (the Hill family all go together because it's Bobby's birthday) and Hank has to call security after seeing the fat one poop on the Invincible comics and then light it on fire. Oh, And the guy with no pupils tries to grab Luanne's hodonkeroonies and Peggy punches his jaw, immediately knocking him out. The one with glasses tries to get his licks in and a security guard tases him on the shoulder. Fatty is tazed and falls into his "masterpiece" whereas the blond one stands idly watching his affiliates debase themselves over colorful pictures. Bobby is compensated with duplicates of his lost gifts and the quadruple quarrelers get banned for life.

that would make sense in the king of the hill universe but it wouldnt be eltingville without them causing a major disaser

Megalomart 2.0?

im thinking they cause a gas leak
hank being the propane ambassador is the one who evacuates the building before anyone gets harmed
the whole place explodes and he actually kicks their asses while a crowd cheers

Would Hank use his belt or is he too angry giving them the beating their parents failed to do for their increasing levels of malcontent and disregard for public property? I feel that Peggy and Luanne would join in the beatdown and Bobby might throw away his goodies after seeing what a comic obsession does to teenagers.

Hank is willing to fight teenagers plenty

Make Pim suck all their cocks, then each of them will smile.

I like to imagine that Hank would just be chasing all 4 and give them all nothing but sharp bootings to the ass like this

Just like JoJo and I won't forgive them.

Would Bill break Pim

Pretty sure that would be Pete.

His horror porn is the way worse stuff Charlie has seen on the internet