Was it actually genius?

Was it actually genius?

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The show got cancelled?


But they went to Brazil

God I fucking hate E-Celebs, this nigga and sparksaber make the same shit where they just vomit the most popular opinion of something to keep their subscribers happy

South Park did it first

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And better. Not Without My Anus didn't have to rely on Twitter to flip off the audience.

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South Park did it far better. There was nothing entertaining about this what's so ever, it baffles Me how a normie can shit on Family Guy for doing conway twitty gags for three minutes but praise nothing but a talking scene stretched to 20 minutes and say it's genius.

conway twitty was a fine joke the first time, but then they kept going back for more
the smiling friends episode is only 11 minutes long

Invader Zim did the best filler episode

It's been done before and it's been done better. Fans of this show need to lighten up a bit before one of them inevitably coins the next "To be fair..." pasta

I like Smiling Friends and I think it's funny, but I do find it annoying how people act like the jokes it does are some groundbreaking never-done-before style of comedy.

It made me realized how much time talking can take in a show. They at least moved around the area.

And that's a good thing!

It was mediocre. I am a big fan of Smiling Friends but I am kind of tired of screw the audience big event fakeout jokes. Like I knew exactly what we were getting the moment they brought up the reservations to Pim.
This kind of joke has been sort of overdone and there are a lot of better examples. Hell even the season one finale of the horse show did the concept better.

The gag wasn’t horrible but I was expecting more out of the episode. It felt like it could have been a short giving the same effect without overstaying it’s welcome for 11 minutes. Plus they have plenty of Brazil memes to rip material off of so it just feels like they were trying to save some money bc of the 70% cuts across the board at Warner but that’s just my tinfoil.

it was originally supposed to have aired on april fools day

Gives the same vibe as those news articles that say
>Inflation is high and why that's a good thing!

But whose fault was it?

They DID go to Brazil. They just never left the airport.

Hate that faggot, he's a click baiting content farmer so takes a couple minute video what could be said in a few seconds.