ITT post your superpower and people give you a drawback to having/using it. Can be funny or well thoughtout drawbacks...

ITT post your superpower and people give you a drawback to having/using it. Can be funny or well thoughtout drawbacks. I'll do the first 6 or so replies

Attached: 1 _MK2Jg-TgOP5FKf-Lf6HAg.jpg (1210x680, 66.81K)

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But only when fully clothed.

Funny, you can only be invisible when no one is looking
Serious, your only perfectly invisble when you don't move at all, you leave a very visible visual distortion when you move

the power to remove all drawbacks from whatever I want

Attached: 1633923725665.png (974x998, 134.16K)

spacial powers like opening up portals and removing distance

Your lose your memory everytime you remove a drawback

The power to wield a Lantern ring.

Can summon a strong alter ego

Attached: yugiyamiv4.png (600x450, 442.62K)

Memory Erasure

black lantern

Attached: FSugTygWAAAsySr.jpg (1920x1080, 159.83K)

Your portals have an extremely inconsistant time of staying open, closeing ussually in seconds or half seconds, if something is caught in one closing it is severed

Shit, does that mean I forget that I can remove drawbacks? Well that's easy to fix, just remove that specific drawback first. Unless I don't know about it.


It's bad luck. Come on user.

thought this was needed

Damn. I become soulless.

It's permanent

the power to delete entire websites from the internet

It pushes one of the emotions from the color spectrum onto you heavily each time you put it on, the emotion is random each time
At first your alter ego is very helpful, but it's a dominant personality and slowly starts to push for more controll of your body. Think Fight Club
Sorry that this one is so striaght forward, but just makes sense. Messing with other peoples memories messes with your own.
A website is created with the original URL of the one you deleted, it has one piece of solid information on you that everyone who tries to go to the old website will view. A part of your name, someone your related to, a peice of your address. If you do it too much, you will Dox yourself all over the internet

The Power to intensify or dull the emotion or emotions of a touched subject.

but only when on fire.

when you intensify an emotion, you feel the opposite emotion in equal intensity
when you dull an emotion, you feel the emotion you're dulling in equal intensity

I want all the abilities that come with wearing the Mask.

The effect last 30 minutes. You have to plan it's use carefully, whomever you touch is contagious and it may spread from them, although it will be a weaker effect as it goes. This has a chance to snowball into something you didn't expect