Dragons: The Nine Realms

Why doesn't anybody talk about this?

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how is this not a rip off of how to train your dragon

>how is this not a rip off of how to train your dragon
You see its Made by same studio

It looked bad?

It's clearly a sequel set in modern day?

How do you manage to fuck up so bad and write out everything that made the first movie so great, just to insert a bunch of generic kids into the show that no one wants to see? At least the recent Kung Fu Panda series still uses Po, but Hiccup and Toothless are no where to be seen in this show. This literally looks like someone's low effort fan fiction

are you rarted?

that first movie was pretty good.

It worked for Spirit

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Why does this Night Fury have a Skrill's powers?

Did Toothless...?


>Trollshitters again
God, no

It looks bad. The dragons aren’t intimidating or even cute. The people have shit fashion. The plot doesn’t start strong.

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All I remember from the first season is that it looked god awful, hell even in that posters the black guy has the proportions of a troll doll. Apparently there's a second season and now a third season coming out soon

We're old, user. The zoomers have taken over.

I hadn’t even heard of it.
Can I get a quick rundown?

Considering the risky premise, it's painfully bland.

How many realms have they visited? 2? Because it's on it's second season?

The asian dragon looks so out of place.